eUSA Economy is in SHAMBLES...the question is WHY?

Day 490, 17:07 Published in USA USA by Alphamega3's

I started keeping records on March 3, while PANEC was being passed and just as Operation Taco Bell was being started. I decided, before the election it would be good to see the current status in relationship to other countries.

Here is the google page showing the facts.'>

Since March 3, the eUSA GDP has shrunk 27% and when compared based on GDP per person, we are 20th in the world. Is it because of PANEC....because the Operation Taco Bell Fiasco or both? Is it the recent lack of wars? Whatever it is, one should not be blind to what is happening in the eUSA.. Personally, I think people are stockpiling money because they did not like how they ran out of money during Operation Taco Bell, and that has caused deflation to be 31%.

Possible solution...fight training wars, encouraging people to buy weapons, thus expanding the weapons industry, and running the gov much more efficiently, (no more blank checks) allowing a cut in taxes.