eUSA and War Tactics - August 4th 2009

Day 623, 09:22 Published in USA USA by Ron Richardson

Welcome. Well I've decided to put my thoughts onto paper. I hate the bickering of this game about the president elections, watching everyone trying and cling to power, while pushing blame on each other. This has pretty much been dominating the news papers recently which I am sick of.. Myself I've trying to do something different. I hold no politic affiliation, and I have no clue who I will vote for. With that out of the way onto the reason I'm writing this.

I will be putting my thoughts down about the war to try and gain a better understand of tactics. I am not here to push blame on those in charge, I am just trying to learn tactics and hopefully help my readers learn at the same, while opening dialog up between each other to make eUSA a better place. Let's start with what happened yesterday, along with total damages so far during the war. I'll start with Indonesia as this is really the most interest due to being the most recent war started.

Please note these figures are current at time of publication.

Oregon was conquered by Indonesia
At war Since 24 Jul 2009
Indonesia 7,596,873 Total damage
USA + Allies 7,887,930 Total damage

So USA has put out 291,057 more damage since the war started, yet seems to be losing the majority of battles. Truthfully this can only really come down to superior tactics by Indonesia, mainly the retreats they have been doing. If we were going by numbers we should be winning.

Onto Russia as it's the next newest.

Nebraska was conquered by Russia
At war since 30 April 2009
USA + Allies 19,010,606 Total damage
Russia + Allies 17,815,871 Total damage

USA has put out 1,194,735 more damage than Russia since the start of the war in April, yet again we are getting creamed for some reason. I do not think Russia has played an as good tactical game as Indonesia has but they still seem to be winning a lot of battles. I really can't see any reason why we are not winning against Russia based on those stats alone.

Onto Portugal

District of Columbia was Conquered by Portugal
Since 07 Dec 2008
USA 4,364,277 Total Damage
Portugal 4,121,168 Total Damage

Again USA has done 243,109 more damage, yet still losing. This is pretty close though but is a very long war so the numbers are not too accurate for today's standings.

Onto the Canadian front.

British Columbia was conquered by France
Since Dec 07 2008
Canada + Allies 15,703,653 Total Damage
France + Allies 17,944,505 Total Damage

France has done 2,240,852 more damage than Canada. Again this is a pretty old war so these figures are not great to make assumptions off. The only assumption I can really make is it seems we have not aided our allies as much as we worried about ourselves.

Onto battles that started today.

Indonesia Attacked Texas
Indonesia Attacked Arkansas
Russia Attacked Wyoming
France Attacked New Brunswick
Protugal Attacked Maryland
Hungary Attacked North Dakota

Please feel free to poke flaws in my plan or come up with your own, as the whole objective of this paper is to figure out the smartest plan of attack for the day then see what would have changed tomorrow if we did this plan.

My Plan:

We should start the day by spread damage between Texas and Wyoming. Retreat Arkansas at the last possible moment and throw the tanks at Texas at the last possible moment in the new day. This secures Texas but Indonesia will more than likely attack another state before Texas is secured to not get locked out for 24 hours. Put the rest of the damage towards Wyoming to try and win that against Russia. Protugal pretty much gets a free pass in Maryland unless we are totally dominating in the other two battles.

We need to be able to be put the enemy on the back foot, this should be our primary objective. To me the smartest move is to get ourselves into a position where we can attack Russia as they have shown to put out marginally less damage. (I have not taken into account if this will activate any Murial Protection Pacts, or if it even will) If we can get an attack in during US prime time it gives us a superior tactical advantage over the battle and should help us gain states back. We should be aiming for two attacking fronts during US prime time. Indonesia has shown the efficiency of two fronts spaced an hour or two apart in your home country's prime time.

Onto Problems I see with our organization.

Our attack order news needs to be more newbie friendly. We need to have better directions on what to do once you hit level 5. Lately I've seen a major amount of people sitting at level 5 or 6 at 35 wellness, in a non-hospital sate that end up quitting as they have no clue what to do. I also believe we need a list of all battles for the day on this daily news and put more weight behind telling people to hold attack until the last moment of day or battle if possible.

We also need to help our allies more and not be scared to sacrifice a US state to help our greater good. To me a strong president in this game is a president that will sacrifice a state and willing to stand up to the people and tell them it's for our greater good. We need a leader that will help explain things to us civilians, and help us understand what's going on, and how we can help with the war effort. We also need better communication and coordination with our allies. They are to key to winning this war. Without them we stand no hope. If we sacrificed DC yesterday, Canada would have an extra state today, and so would we. The US people would more than likely want to rip the presidents head off but in my eyes it seemed to be the right move in hindsight. It would have also shown our president/leaders have guts to make the hard calls.

We also need leaders in charge to be more vocal at the start, and end of the day about where to fight while telling people to hold attacks until the last moment. These people need to be in a dedicated IRC channel that we tell everyone to join that only these leaders can talk into.

That's my 5 cents. I did get a little off track from my tactics ideas, but hopefully tomorrow I will focus a little more on tactics rather than ideas on how to improve our current ways of doing things. Please feel free to comment. I still don't 100% know all the in's and out's about retreating but this is hopefully something you guys can help educate me about.

Thanks for reading.