European Wars

Day 1,376, 16:39 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by doco11

Dear readers!

After long time I looked today at the eWorld Map and I found out that many new (or old ones?) events appeared. As I'm from Slovakia (CzechoSlovakia), I've looked deeper into eEurope events first. Let's start with those "classic" conflicts:

CzechoSlovakia and Austria are complete again. Austria improves its relationship with ONE / proONE countries by fighting for them, allowing Training Wars with them and by land swaps. Austria now acquired all of its natural regions and appears on the map again. CzechoSlovakia got rid of communists trying to conquer and PTO Czech Republik, but can expect another RWs there soon.

Situation in Western Europe is bit complicated, so I use numbers.
1. Resistance Wars in Poland
It's daily occurence that Poland has to fight in 3-4 RWs now. Forces of Netherlands, Germany and France are trying to take back their lands every day. Poland defends them well and after any region lose claims it back very quickly.
2. Spain vs. USA and France
USA is in Europe again, this ping-pong war with Spain will never end I think. USA took two regions from Spain and is now trying to take third one, but Spain already made RW in the first region. Upon my opinion Spain will claim its regions back soon and so this ping-pong war will be send back to USA lands. France is trying to use this time to regain its regions from Spain.
3. Royal Battle
War between UK and Ireland continues. On UK lands now. Ireland successfully conquered some of its original regions and is now even trying to conquer London (core of UK), too. UK is about to win this battle, counterattack Ireland by RWs and try to erase it again.

Eastern Europe is now full of RWs. 4 countries got erased so they are trying to come back to the map.
1. Lithuania vs. Russian Occupation
After first successfull RW in Lithuana, Lithuania attacks Russia on their own ground. Lithuana is about to win an another campaign so in short time they will completely get back to the map. Let's see how Russia will handle this.
2. Belarus calling for freedom
Latvia erased Belarus again but Belarus is calling for freedom. They are fighting hard to claim back their regions and for now they are really taking them back. I think they can complete their original state again. After that some of ABC states will attack them.
3. Storm of Ukrainian RWs
Ukraine is burning their currency well. After several erases they want to take back what belongs them. Ukraine started RWs in Hungary and Serbia and also maked NE to Hungary. But Turkey is coming from the south so there are no big chances Ukraine will be successfull.
4. Romania? Where?
Hungary and Serbia erased Romania again. Now Romania wants some regions back. Because of big amount of dmg whoch goes now to Southern Europe, let's see who will be winner there.

4. Croatia vs. Italy Slovenia
As for colour, Italy looks just like a darker Slovenia. So Slovenian forces togather with Poland are trying to push Croats out from the "boot".
The best comes always at the end 🙂
1. Serbia vs. Bulgaria
Serbia declared Bulgaria as Natural Enemy. Serbia wants to help Macedonia reclaim its home regions. Because they are occupied by Bulgaria at the time, Serbia started a war.
2. Croatia vs. Serbia
Croatia responds quickly and didn't let Bulgaria fall. Croatia declared Serbia as Natural Enemy and attacked Vojvodina.
3. Greece vs. Macedonia
As we can see on battlefield, in the newspapers, these two nations simply don't like each other. This is also proven by Greece's NE proposal. Macedonian RW against Bulgaria was successull so Greece is about to attack Macedonia again.
So the big war begins again. Everyone will see that milions of dmg on both sides - EDEN / TERRA vs. ONE, not some small ass kicking, but a real battle. There will be rivers of blood and a lot of tank wrecks there 🙂
I will bring news soon again, stay tuned!

