European Theater, Our Citizens, and The Future

Day 1,392, 11:22 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..

Greetings citizens, visitors, embassadors, brothers and sisters all. I bring you the warm fraternal greetings from the Whitehouse. We are almost a week into the month. Seems like only yesterday I was talking on the US's NPR show, confirming my commitment to the US and my campaign. Here we sit, ping-pong'ing with Spain and contemplating peace yet again. Our allies in Europe are waging a tremendous war against ONE aggressors, and we continue to do our part. Spain has asked us to consider peace and I will consider well their offer. I hope that Poland acknowledges their part in this, ensuring that Spain follows through on her promises this time.


I have received PMs from many concerned citizens and encourage all of you to sign-up to become an intern. I continue to encourage all department heads to mentor new players to generate new ideas, new activity, and new perspectives. The eUSA is down to 7272 citizens at print, ranked number 10th in the eWorld.

1 Serbia 15,913
2 Poland 15,490
3 Turkey 11,255
4 Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) 10,415
5 China 9,191

I am asking each and every one of you to bring one friend to our community. And don't just bring them in and forget about them. Our community is only as strong as we make it. I've met people from all over the world and become RL friends with some of them. If you play erepublik right, no change that Plato implements can affect your motivation. I recommend that everyone join our national channel on IRC and apply to be a member of our fighting forces. Join the USAF today. I recommend that older players reach out to newer players and give them your years of experience and insight.

Looking for a Party? This one is outstanding. USWP Jubilee

Use the Department of Education so that we may become stronger as a whole.

Join the National Forums

Love him or hate him, Bradley Reala has retired as the CJCS of the eUS Military. I want to acknowledge his part in helping the eUSA during the invasion of our homeland. I will take heat for even acknowledging his actions, but I do not believe in hating a person in a game, so if you have a problem with this, dont PM me, keep it to yourself because idgaf what you think in regards to my acknowledgement. I would be amiss if I did not acknowledge the controversy during PANAM's creation that did not help the eUSA, but I am focusing on the positive at this time. I will give historical perspective on what I saw happen and use Brad's words in his departing address in another article.

Emerick, Glove, Avruch, myself, and others were faced with a harsh reality. The eUS was being invaded and our allies were either powerless or unwilling to help us. We discussed our options after being wiped and how to rebuild afterwards. I invited Brad to our National Security Council to offer another perspective. It was his drive and counsel that helped the US hide inside Spain. His work to close the wars was instrumental in keeping the USA as safe as possible. Now, the future.

The future is simple, America. The eUS Military will never merge with the USAF. Accept it or not, this is a fact. Let's move this subject off the table for future discussions. We will work closely together moving forward. I will retain the friendships that I have enjoyed in the eUS Military. I encourage you to discuss how we can help each other as we move past this subject. But, if you decide to dwell on the past, you are missing out on the future. Move on. Kill ONE. Avenge those that have fallen, so that they did not die in vain.

Strength through Unity.

Hail Brazil
Hail Chile
Hail Canada
Hail France
Hail Germany
Hail Netherlands
Hail Russia
Hail Cyprus
Hail USA




Signature courtesy of PieGuy.

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