eUK on it's 9'th life? Comments by Sweden, Ireland, Jacobi and Commander Shoot

Day 783, 11:14 Published in Canada Canada by Rainer N

Good Afternoon Spec Ops Nation! Well speculation is rampant among Canadians as to a possible attack on eUK soil (commonly known among Canadians as the "The Land of Fail"[credit to spencer] ). After armour144's article western europe now with 72% more EDEN many Canadians expressed their desire to spill redcoat blood. So I thought that in this weeks article of Spec Ops Weekly (SOW) I would bring you some perspectives from EDEN's top brass and neighboring Presidents on the eUK situation, as well as our own Prime Minister Jacobi's take on the issue. Hope you enjoy please vote and subscribe to become part of Spec Ops Nation.

Shoot - Supreme Commander of EDEN forces

[SpecOps] Commander Shoot as you may or may not know Canadians have a particular hatred of the eUK for their betrayal that kicked off the previous world EDEN's war chief do you see an attack on the eUK happening? and do you see Canadians leading the charge?

[Shoot] "The information your asking for is classified, but Let's just say that there is always a chance that we will annihilate the eUK."

Dandersson - President of Sweden

[SpecOps] Mr President- There is certainly a great desire among Canadians to wreak vengeance upon the eUK for their betrayal in the past war, and many Canadians feel that due to the state of western europe now is a very good time to do it. I was wondering if this is something that sweden would support. From what i understand the eUK is certainly no ally to Sweden, and in fact is a threat to your country like they are to ours. I would appreciate your thoughts on a possible Canadian led Invasion into this country.

[Dandersson] Hi Rainer N, The british betrayal hasn't been forgotten in Sweden either, and they have taken over role of swedish arch enemy from Germany and we've been in constant fights, both blocks and other tactical attacks, for the whole fall and winter. Two battles against them are ending in an hour. I wouldn't call them a threat (check this out: ) but they would be a nice trophy.

I hope to discuss the british issue with Jacobi during the coming days.

[SpecOps] Mr president, speaking completely hypothetically; assuming a multipronged invasion was successful against the eUK. How would you see dividing up their territory? or would you see allied forces (our side) merely wiping out the country and then letting them have it back forcing them to rebuild.?

[Dandersson] If I'm to discuss it, I'll do it with Jacobi

Thanks for your comments mr.President!

Edana Savage - President of Ireland

While Refusing to comment on the issue to spec ops weekly, Edana savage president of Ireland recently gave this update from her personal newspaper

"UK Invasion

France has fallen. Germany has fallen. Will the UK be next? Most definitely. It's just a matter of when and where.Poland has become a powerhouse over the last month with a massive population boom. We have heard that they are exacting retribution on those countries for past transgressions under PEACE."

Source =

Jacobi- Prime Minister of eCanada

[SpecOps] Prime Minister, What are your general thoughts on the current status of relations between the eUK and Canada?

[Jacobi] We tried to play nice, we tried to put the past behind us, and their reaction was to attack the United States. And, their attitude hasn't changed...they continue to elect unreconstructed PEACE/Phoenix patsies every term.

[SpecOps] Support for a eUK ass kicking seems unnanimous among Canadians from recent articles. Given your extensive knowledge of the war module, Would a simple declaration of war & attack right now be a massive mistake of MPP activation? If so, what do you believe would be the right conditions for Canada to attack the eUK.

[Jacobi] Canada cannot attack the United Kingdom on its own. Any attack would have to be a coordinated effort by EDEN with all of the UK's neighbors participating. Sure we could win a one on one, we have many many times before. We cannot win a 1 on 8.

[SpecOps] When it seems like they have no willingness to play nice with us on this side of the pond why is it we haven't embargoed them yet?

[Jacobi] They are embargoed....we have an open war which is an automatic embargo 🙂


British Invasion Inevitable?

Answer = Yes,
in summary it seems that there is currently a line up of Nations ready and willing to conquer the eUK.

My personal take on the above comments by Jacobi, neighboring presidents and commander shoot is that the eUK certainly is doomed. Commander shoot was especially tight lipped (as is expected of our military general) but I certainly sensed that the eUK is on his radar. The comments by Irish president Edana Savage point out that the eUK will be poland's next conquest and she instructs her citizens to be ready. While its unknown what Poland will do next it seems that there is no shortage of countries willing to open up a can of wup ass on the eUK as swedish president dandersson pointed out that the eUK has become the "Swedish Arch Enemy". Even our own Prime minister Jacobi seems to have run out of patience with the eUK which is saying alot since approx 2 months ago Jacobi authored a non-aggression treaty with the eUK to many Canadians Chagrin

So why Do I say the British invasion is inevitable? well they currently have borders with ; Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Spain, Ireland, USA & Canada. With the exception of Denmark whose position I don't know, i'm confident in saying that the eUK are surrounded by hostile powers. Why are those powers hostile? well because the eUK has continuously shown themselves to be PEACE/Pheonix lap dogs. Even after forgiveness was offered to them they have spurned us by attacking our neighbor to the south and violating our non-aggression pact.

The Real questions on the eUK issue are....

1) When will it happen?

The answer to this is completely unknown by SOW. However, now that the EDEN war machine has rolled over France, Germany, and Eastern Asia it seems like the next natural target would be the eUK.

2) Who will lead the attack?

Again this is anybodys guess. However in all likelihood and unfortunatly, I highly doubt Canada will be leading an EDEN attack into the eUK. I say this because, as Jacobi has commented, while we can beat them 1 on 1 we cannot defeat 8 MPPs alone. Therefore, the likely candidates for eUK invasion are

a) The U.S.A would be a likely candidate for the eUK invasion due to activated MPP's from WWIII when the eUK foolishly attacked eastern seaboard states in an attempt to block the USA.

b) Poland is another likely candidate as the new BMOC poland has massive amount of players they can bring to bear on an enemy and because they lack the mobility that other more organized countries have it might make sense for poland to be the "host" nation of the eUK invasion.

c) Spain would be a distant 3'rd possibility if poland were to set its sights further east, in conjunction with the serbian war machine. We might then see spain continue to roll over the eUK just as it completely annihilated eFrance but the first 2 are far more likely.

EDEN powers to butcher rotten carcass of the eUK?

Well as seen above eUK extinction seems likely and besides the above details on when and how it will happen the only other question to ask really is, who will occupy the UK and for how long? It seems likely that every country and their brother might just get a small piece of the eUK. Which makes Spec Ops Weekly wonder

Is this the end of "the land of fail" forever?

my answer: quite possibly.

check out this youtube video for a glimpse of the future of the eUK :

Thank you to Jacobi, Dandersson and Commander Shoot for answer some questions for spec ops weekly!

Rainer N
Signing off for Spec Ops Weekly
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