eTaiwan Country Time to Time...

Day 1,152, 21:55 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by BlackPhanter4Dest
Good evening citizens of Taiwan and...
Greetings citizens of the eTaiwan.

Congratulations, your citizenship application in Republic of China (Taiwan) has been accepted! You now have the right to vote, join a political party and run in elections. 2 hours ago

I was one lover eTaiwan and these are some display of this country for several months ago until now.
The original region of Taiwan has 4 regions.
1. Central Taiwan (114 citizens)
2. Northern Taiwan (235 citizens): Capital
3. Eastern Taiwan (96 citizens)
4. Southern Taiwan (125 citizens) (update for 3 month ago)

And eTaiwan of the eNew World day 1152,

Resources region of eTaiwan.
Grain (25😵 productivity bonus
Iron (25😵 Productivity bonus
Food (10😵 Productivity bonus and
Weapon (10😵 Productivity bonus.

The next opportunity...??? booster for weapon (aluminum, oil and saltpeter) region or booster for food (fruit, deer or cattle)..???
So... why not go to here or change…?

Thank you,


p.s I want to say Big thanks for accepted my apply citizenship 🙂
sorry for bad my English but i hope you know what i mean 🙁