eSouth Africa Citizen Statistics - 15/10/2009

Day 695, 11:06 Published in South Africa South Africa by cMcBank

The Ministry of Intelligence has gathered a huge amount of data and has managed to prepare the following detailed set of statistics on the citizens of eSouth Africa.

Total Population Distribution

The total population here of 1335 citizens includes all eSouth African citizens, visitors staying in eSouth Africa who have foreign citizenship, banned citizens and dead citizens.

The active figure is calculated as:
- all players with eSouth African citizenship
- players with foreign citizenship staying in eSouth Africa
and exludes:
- players with - players who are banned
- players who are dead

This gives us a total active population of 645 citizens; however this figure is only an approximation since there may well be a few active players living below 30 wellness.

The rest of the graphs here are based on the active population of 645 citizens.

Gender Distribution

Industry Distribution

The total number of workers in each industry is impossible to calculate since the game mechanics allows for one to gain skill in multiple industries. We have therefore calculated the number of workers in each industry based on all citizens who have a skill greater than or equal to 2 in the respective industry.

Skill Distribution

The average skill in each industry is:

- Manufacturing: 2.86
- Lan😛 2.24
- Construction: 0.67

The most highly skilled citizens in each industry are:


1. Lowell Kennedy - 11.83
2. Bakar - 11.75
3. Rico Suave (eUSA) - 11.49


1. blim (eSpain) - 9.78
2. lmarius_euro (eUkraine) - 9.42
3. radunemes (eUkraine) - 9.32


1. Siroe - 9.74
2. niceboy0222 - 9.6
3. Lido (eBrazil) - 7.2

Military Rank Distribution

Strength Distribution

The average strength of all active citizens is 6.41.

The strongest citizens are:

1. Lowell Kennedy - 18.67
2. whac (eRussia) - 17.96
3. Alby - 17.34
4. marioXXL - 17.3
5. Jizzie McGuire (eUSA) - 17.18

Where Are eSouth Africans Staying?

Who's Visiting eSouth Africa?

Friend Distribution

The average number of friends is 28.

The biggest socialites are:

1. Ajay Bruno - 2060
2. Travis Granger - 780
3. Alby - 345
4. whac (eRussia) - 337
5. Lowell Kennedy - 304

If you have any suggestions as to how we can improve these reports or would like to see some different types of graphs added, leave a comment here or send a message to the eSA Ministry of Intelligence.

Minister of Intelligence