eRepublik Rising: Introductions And Tips

Day 969, 17:46 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00


Hello eCanada,

With eRepublik Rising upon us, a whole new dimension of strategy must NOW be put in, so that way our eRepublik characters can work, train, study, fight, communicate, and relax, without "killing" themselves (losing most or all of their wellness/happiness) while doing it.

Many new players, sadly, are highly uneducated towards V2 (Rising) and all of its strategies, therefore, this article will try to help give new citizens a "starting point" that they can use, in order to develop some of their own strategies that they can use, and to help them find their starting "balance" between working, training, fighting, studying, relaxing, and as well as their balance between health and wellness levels.

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The eRepublik Rising Introduction
Learning The Balance Between Everything

In eRepublik rising, there are basically two things you need to worry about (or more or less, should keep a watchful eye on). First, you need to keep an eye on your "eDay", and secondly, you need to keep an eye on your Health Metre and your Happiness Metre. Both of these are intertwined together in many ways, but first let's cover off what each of them mean.


1) Your eRepublik Day
The Quickest 24-Hours Of Your Life

As you can see from the image above, that is the screen that you are presented with, when you go to "MY PLACES" along the top header menu or eRepublik, and then click on "UPTOWN". Now, from the picture above, you notice that there are FIVE different areas that you can click on, and each will take you to a different place. I will explain each in detail below:

•COMPANY•: This is where you will click, when you want to work at your company (or on the other hand, where you will go when you need to find a job). From the screen you access, after getting a job, you will notice, that there is a slider along the bottom, that shows 24 hours. You can move this slider back and forth, and set it to the desired "length" in which you want to work. There is a small "give and take" however, since the LONGER you work, the MORE money you will make, BUT you will LOSE more of your happiness (more of this is explained later on however).

•TRAINING GROUNDS•: The training grounds are where you will go, in order to "train" your military skills (Tanks, Rifles, Helicopters, or Artillery). Basically, the longer you "train" here (the slider idea is the exact same as when you are working in a company), the more happiness you lose, but the more skill points you will gain! One strategy for this is listed below.

•LIBRARY•: The library is another place where you can spend your "hours" (with a slider as you see in Company and Training Grounds). The library is useful for training your "profession" (or your job), since the better you are at a job, the more money you will make from the company you are working in. Again, the more hours you work here, the more wellness you will lose!

•RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT•: Finally! A place where you can GAIN BACK all of that lost happiness. As the other three places, in the Residential District, you can decide how many hours to "relax" for. On a scale of 1 wellness point per hour, you can gain back your day's lost wellness! More strategy for this is listed below.

•DOWNTOWN•: The downtown district is where you will find all of your other resources, such as your political party, your newspaper, country information, country chat rooms, and even access to the advertisement department. This will be covered off in separate articles (look out for them!)

So in the end, everywhere you work (Company), Train (Training Grounds), and Study (Library), you lose 1 Happiness point, per hour trained, but for every hour you relax (Residential District) you gain back 1 Happiness point.

2) Your Health And Wellness
The Two Most Important Numbers You'll Need

How healthy (Wellness) and happy (Happiness) your character is, determines a lot. For example, when you work each day at a company, you will be more productive (which is better for the economy) if you have a higher wellness and happiness. If you have a low wellness and happiness, you will most likely not be as productive, which could lead to you getting fired from specific companies (since a general manager of a company would prefer you to have a higher wellness and happiness). Let's go through each, and see what has an effect on Wellness and Happiness!

•WELLNESS• Wellness is a major thing in eRepublik, since if it reaches 0, your citizen will die! But basically, Wellness in eRepublik is affected by four major things. First, fighting in battles (as you fight against someone, you lose wellness); second, moving around (if you buy a moving ticket that DOES NOT give you wellness); third, not getting food (if you do not buy food, you will steadily lose wellness on a daily basis); fourth, working/training/studying (although not a whole lot, you still lose 1 or 2 wellness per day when you work/train/study).

Wellness CAN be recovered though, by eating high quality foods, that give you WELLNESS back, or by fighting next to a hospital (which gives you a certain amount of wellness back each "turn" of a battle). In another way, you can also spend GOLD (0.5 GOLD) to buy a wellness pack, which will give you 20 WELLNESS back 🙂

•HAPPINESS• Happiness can be lost, in two basic ways. First, happiness is lost, when you fight, work, and study each and every day (1 happiness lost per hour), and secondly, Happiness is lost when you DO NOT buy food everyday (the same idea as is for wellness).

Happiness, however, is gained back in 2 ways as well. First of all, you can spend lots of time in the Residential District (you gain 1 wellness per hour spent there), and as well, you can gain wellness by buying food that gives you back wellness!

So in the end, both Happiness and Wellness are both GAINED and LOST in many ways, and it is up to you to decide how you want to "lose" your wellness/happiness, but as well, it is for you to decide how to "gain" it back, as well!


So now you know the basics! But to give you some further "in-depth" information, I have placed out for you, five simple tricks (tips) that you can use, to help make your eRepublik character survive each passing day. needless to say, if you have your own strategy by now, feel free to use it, since these are just suggestions!

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TIP #1- Always Buy Bread (Well, food)!

Food is an important part of eRepublik, and without it, you would most likely die! Therefore, EVERY SINGLE DAY. Although, there is a variety of food you can choose from (and that is good), therefore, I ask that you read THIS ARTICLE HERE THAT I WROTE and scroll down to "Food", to see just what type of food you need. So again, if anything at all, make SURE you always buy your daily food, for in the long run, it will give you extra XP, wellness, and happiness!

TIP #2- Do A "On-On-Off" Schedule For Your Day

The "On-On-Off" idea for your 24 hours working, is a strategy that goes over three days. The first day, you work/train/study (you DO NOT need to do all three in one day) and save at LEAST 6 hours for RELAXING. You do the exact same for the second day too (usually, if you can do more than 6 hours, that is even better). Finally, on the third day, you go "all-out" with your relaxing, and relax for a straight 12 hours! That's right, for that will give you a good boost of your happiness. If you find this doesn't work, try relaxing more often, and eventually, use a booster or two if need be.

TIP #3- Don't Try To Waste GOLD or Currency

GOLD and Currency is very important in eRepublik Rising, because it allows you to do boosters (which give you better results) when working, fighting, training, studying, or relaxing. Whenever possible, DO NOT USE a booster, unless it is FOR RELAXING. Boosters are basically a WASTE OF GOLD and are NOT mandatory to use (you simply just hit the "FREE" one, as it DOES NOT deduct money from your account). So on that note, save up your GOLD as much as you can, and only when necessary, spend a little bit of it on boosters.

TIP #4- Do A "1/2-1/2-1/2" Strategy

A second way you can effectively (but slowly) keep up your happiness, and as well work/train/study with big results, is to do a HALF and HALF day (which is done over three days). The first day is just that. You spend 12 hours (half a day) working at a company. You lose 12 happiness. Then the other 12 hours, you RELAX (gain 12 happiness). The second day, spend 12 hours training, then 12 hours relaxing, and finally on the third day, spend 12 hours studying, and then 12 hours relaxing. Keep doing that, and you will NEVER lose happiness, but actually GAIN it.

TIP #5- Ask People, And Read Articles

You can never be too uneducated about eRepublik Rising, since new concepts are always coming up. Therefore, if you are really confused, browse a few articles, to see if someone has explained something you do not understand! If that doesn't work, send someone a Private Message (like myself for example... you can send ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE HERE), or ask someone you see on IRC! Regardless, face-to-face (or reading articles) is the best way to get information.. they are there for a reason, so take advantage of them!

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That is all for now! 🙂

Hope you enjoyed, and there will be more V2 (Rising) Articles to come!

Until Then,
Cheers eCanada!
