eRepublik Radio - Day 786 Schedule

Day 786, 00:29 Published in USA Croatia by CrowdedHouse

Today's Program on eRepublik Radio (English Channel) Day 786

Listen here via Winamp, VLC or iTunes ---->
Note: During BETA Test we are limited to 100 listeners at a time

---- The Latest eRepublik News is at the Top of the Hour, Every Hour (runs for 2-3 mins) ---
00:00 New Day eRepublik with CrowdedHouse Featuring Classic Interviews
01:00 The Jon Malcom Show Latest Episode from Blog Talk Radio
02:00 Non-Stop Music
03:00 The Weekly Update with Johnnie Cannuck Debut Episode from Blog Talk Radio
04:00 New Day eRepublik with CrowdedHouse Featuring Classic Interviews
05:00 The Jon Malcom Show Latest Episode from Blog Talk Radio
06:00 Non-Stop Music
07:00 The Weekly Update with Johnnie Cannuck Debut Episode from Blog Talk Radio
08:00 New Day eRepublik with CrowdedHouse Featuring Classic Interviews
09:00 The Jon Malcom Show Latest Episode from Blog Talk Radio
10:00 **Possible Live show with Adasko (or Non-Stop Music)
11:00 The Weekly Update with Johnnie Cannuck Debut Episode from Blog Talk Radio
12:00 New Day eRepublik with CrowdedHouse Featuring Classic Interviews
13:00 The Jon Malcom Show Latest Episode from Blog Talk Radio
14:00 Non-Stop Music
15:00 The Weekly Update with Johnnie Cannuck Debut Episode from Blog Talk Radio
16:00 New Day eRepublik with CrowdedHouse Featuring Classic Interviews
17:00 The Jon Malcom Show Latest Episode from Blog Talk Radio
18:00 Non-Stop Music
19:00 The Weekly Update with Johnnie Cannuck Debut Episode from Blog Talk Radio
20:00 The Phuza Lady with Ines Schumacher From eSouth Africa
21:00 The Jon Malcom Show Latest Episode from Blog Talk Radio
22:00 Non-Stop Music
23:00 The Weekly Update with Johnnie Cannuck Debut Episode from Blog Talk Radio

Also today sees some new ads run. One for the eOlympics. One to see eMacedonia come into the game and another for Corey Blake to be elected - we run ads for FREE!

Creator of eRepublik Radio

eRepublik Radio - Official Broadcaster of the eOlympics -