ERepublik personalities

Day 1,622, 17:53 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

Recently I have decided to set myself a new set of challenges, beginning with this one. I asked myself what types of people play this game. You may find ones obsessed with this game so much they can barely go out and talk to others, while some just do a few clicks daily and leave this game. Others don't even play this game and just chat to those who they have met on chat, while the third write articles since they find that as an inspiring thing to do. As you can see, I'm implying there's much diversity when it comes to our characters and that diversity can be easily found here. Some take this game seriously, other just relax from real life. Consequently meaning you are bound to meet people who you may dislike or like a lot - from character's view point.

The Fame Hungry
The mentioned are likely to do everything in their power just to get the fame they are much seeking for. They tend to be somewhat selfish and first take care of themselves. Articles are for them a tool of exploitation to get their voice heard, while their attitude towards others is based on the fact whether they can profit from it - for example being part of the government. On occasions they are prone to lying and will try to exploit every moment to be spotted by others. When it comes to important battles they will try to ridge the attitude community has towards them by making themselves appear as the heroes everyone is looking for.

The Emotional
Everything they do in this game has a meaning to them. They are bound to meet someone who will understand them - from their point of view. Often they like to share their personal issues with others, while forgetting this is just a game. Many get lost in their personal world, losing touch with reality and fantasy of this game. Getting depressed or should I say sad is an usual thing if their needs aren't fulfilled.

The Joker
They like to fool around, take this game as a somewhat of relaxation from real life world, while at the same time we can split the Joker type of personality into two segments. There's a type that doesn't give one damn about other people's needs or issues since they consider this game just as an opportunity to troll and have fun, while the second type will kid around on occasions while at the same time show a glimpse of weakness in emotional way. The second type is prone to having a mood disorder, once being extremely happy, while the next moment falling down to the real grounds with a sudden force.

The Glory Hunters
Some of you would say they are somewhat the same to the ones that are fame hungry. While that may be the case, they excel in others areas. They take this game somewhat personally. Sharing strong ties with their own country, being patriots in some way, while at the same time they don't care whether they will have to cross dead bodies to reach their goal. The only goal in this game for them is to become one of a kind, admired. They find this game as a drug to fund their "ego". They usually have some kind of grudge against their real life neighbors - considering foreign nations - and that may be obvious to spot in their tanking, even if they claim that is not the case. They will protect their country against the bitter end and gain glory doing it. Synonym for glory hunters are more or less all the heavy tankers.

The Shy Ones
The most easy way to describe this type of eRepublik personality is, they are afraid to express their own thoughts and feelings and need a push by others to show who they truly are. In some way it's hard to cross a line between the two-clickers and those who are shy and afraid to express their thoughts. They might be fairly active, but at the same time others won't notice it and will consider them just as some who blend in with the community exceeding at pretty much nothing.

The Fanatics
Yes, you guessed right, they are the ones who will do pretty much everything for their own country, in some way relating themselves to the glory hunters - the only difference is the lack of financial attributes in their case. They are prone to invite more people to this game just to see their real life enemies succumb to them. Game has only one aspect to them, and that aspect is the military module or should I say they only see sense in things when it comes to wars. Most often you can see imperialistic inclinations in them, they often show primitive nationalistic expressions believing their culture is above others, or above the ones their enemies have.

The Breathers
You could define the mentioned as a class of their own. They too often mix eRepublik events with real life ones and take this game in general too serious. As I like to say, they pretty much breathe and live for the game itself, making them addicted to it. Often they spend some money on this game just to show the amount of loyalty they possess towards their enation. They are inclined to hate people outside eRepublik due to the stuff they commited in this game. They like to show minimal amount of emotions - believing it makes them weak or too girly.

The Helpers
They are generally very open and like to help people in need, thus meaning new players especially. They tend to take care of others before they take care of themselves. Mostly they don't have many ambitions in this game, and are generally looking relatively weak via military module and most often don't participate actively in the economic aspect of the game.

The Wanderers
Everything in this game makes no sense to them, but somehow they still play it. They despise nationalism and find this game very comparable to real life, in the way the e-society works and the military module, where the stronger prevails. You will often find the wanderers asking themselves questions only they can answer, others might on occasions find them crazy and a bit out of this world. They often own a newspaper - sharing their own thoughts in it. Striving for changes is their motto in this game.


This is my view on the personalities of this game, I may of course be mistaken, but my long stay in this game has given me many precious experiences that I used writing this article. I have personally come across various types of people and with great honor may I say, they are depicted in the text - generally looking.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly