Day 907, 12:10 Published in South Africa China by Paladala

eRepublik is available in 16 languages today and admin is adding more languages but no plan for Chinese yet.

Despite admin is always emphasizing that the technicians are working hard, translation is not that big piece of work. Actually five languages (Croatians, Serbians, Turkish, Bulgarian and Greeks) were added in one go about two months ago.

Here's the list of available languages and the corresponding countries with ranking:

English - United Kingdom (16), United States (5), Canada (19), Indonesia (7),
Australia (21), South Africa (26) and other countries
French - France (13)
German - Germany (1😎
Hungarian - Hungary (9)
Italian - Italy (20)
Portuguese - Portugal (30), Brazil (3)
Romanian - Romania (😎
Russian - Russia (6), Ukraine (24)
Spanish - Spain (4), Argentina (17), Mexico (27)
Swedish - Sweden (22)
Polish - Poland (1)
Greek - Greece (10)
Serbian - Serbia (2), Bosnia-Herzegovina (25)
Bulgarian - Bulgaria (60)
Croatian - Croatia (11)
Turkish - Turkey (14)

Now you can see: Among countries with more than 5,000 population only China (12) and Iran (15) have no eRepublik in native language. On the other side, no offence, Sweden (22) and Bulgaria (60) has the proprietary Swedish and Bulgarian version.


Here are some possible reasons:

a) Admin dares not to add Chinese. Currently bottleneck of eChinese babyboom is the language problem. Today there are more than 400,000,000 internet citizens, even if 0.01% of them join eRepublik, eChina will be as powerful as Poland. It will fundamentally break the balance of the eworld, which is precisely what admin does not want to happen.

b) eChina is not as profitable as eUSA or some european countries as most eChina citizens are not willing to spend a lot of money on an English web game.

c) Erepublik would not like to provide equal opportunity to countries like China and Iran, who has different state system and/or culture from Western countries. I would rather to believe that it is not the case, however, eRepublik is not a global company yet and it's obviously that european countries play a more important role in its marketing strategy.

No matter the real reason is in the bullets above or not, I hereby appeal for Chinese version eRepublik for the following reasons:

a) "No web project is cool enough without being translated into other languages."
That's what admin said on its official blog. The balance of the eworld should be self-regulated by the game itself. Countries like India, Japan, Korea and other Asian countries also have great potential. Admin should consider how to extend its global coverage, not to be a babysitter.

b) In RL China kept rapid economic growth despite global recession, which may point to possible rise in RMB. Chinese Gaming industry achieved more than 50% growth in the past years. For eRepublik China should be considered a massive untapped market.

c) There should be no borthers on internet. Leave alone the commercial considerations, eRpublik should provide every citizen in every country withequal opportunity. That will be the way how eRepublik is going to be a real global game.

In conclution, with very limited resource and time, eRepublik can be easily introduced to millions of Chinese citizens. It will be a very important move for eRepublik from business and strategy perspective. Meanwhile, I also think it's prett fair to provide friends in South Korea and Japan with Japanese and Korean version of eRepublik. It will make eRepublik a very popular game in Asia.

If you agree with it, please vote, and click here to sign your name on it.

Thank you eSA!