eRepublik admins making BIG mistake

Day 1,616, 09:19 Published in Albania Albania by RadeciVV

Hello dear eCitizens.

I am writing to you right now in very frustrated mood.

Today, admins banned some of eAlbania citizens, just because they have same IP. eAlbania has a lot of players from Kosovo, I am one of them, and here in our country we have IP problem.

So we do not have the right yet to have our IP, and costumers of one internet provider company have the same IP. For example the whole city has the same IP from one Internet Provider.

And so, a lot of players are getting banned, because we are from the same country, and we help each other by sending items.

That's how one of our best player, got banned. He never had multies, he is minster of education, and he is co-owner of a bank, which we opened recently in eAlbania.

So we got some costumers from Kosovo, who sent money and got money from us, and he carried money of the bank, so that is the reason why he got banned.

He never had multies, he even said to new players as a minister to not open accounts.

I sent ticket for this and my ticket was closed in minutes (how fast 😁 and when it is for something other they do not respond in days.

Please admins, reconsider this.

And I invite you to shout in game
"Unban Alban Mustafa".

Regards, DardanH.