Erepublic000 for INGSOC PP!!!

Day 783, 12:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by frankblott

It is coming up to that time of the month when INGSOC will have to decude who is going to be the PP for a while month and Erepublic000 is once again standing for the leadership of our party.

In my view the choice is a clear one, Erepublic000 has been a great sucess as PP and here I shall go some of the way in describing what he had done for our party and why you should aupport him to lead us for another month.

When Erepublic000 took over INGSOC, we were tiny, having a membership in the low teens. We had no clear direction, no leadership and were viewed by the rest of the eUK as a two-clicker party. Over the time he has been Party President we have doubled our membership, but this in itself is not important. What is important is the way that the party has evolved under his leadership, no longer are we an inactive party, we are a party with many active members who can, and do, form policy.

We have a discussion area to facilitate our policy forming, this would not have happened had it not been for Erepublic000 being our PP. The discussion are means that we have a forum in which we can form policy and discusss how to best run the party.

We also have a party organisation - miniplent and two party companies, this is a sign that we are a serious party with a serious funding plan, it also means that we can start helping lower level players.

I urge you to support Erepublic000 in the PP elections and help INGSOC to continue to grow!

Frankblott (INGSOC VPP)