eRep Squares! New Player Edition!

Day 792, 10:24 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep,

When I was but a week old, being bored after learning the basics and reading up on the eUS forums and finding all the instructional newspaper articles I could I started lurking the 'everybody shouts'. I happened upon one that was made recently at the time that said 'First person to msg me gets a free Q1 house". I was said first person, and received a house. It made my day, and was pretty cool. Especially being my first few days in the game. So I passed on that house in the same fashion that i got it. Every now and then when I have the disposable income, or get rather bored I do it again. Q1 houses are one of those bargain basement economical items, that are so much better then nothing at all and uber cheap later in the game. Later in the game meaning a higher level player can easily earn the cost of one. So why not? When its much more appreciated by newbies and easier then haggling for it for a few USD or a couple of gold.

Randomly came into some gold the other day. I felt obliged to pay it forward. Bought 9 Q1 houses and passed them out to the first nine citizens under 30 days old that send me an in game message. Shouts are useful, may as well give some positive reinforcement to others to learn this.

Here are the 9 lucky winners. These are not only newbies. These are new potential active players. They are not only new, they were able to respond and follow directions. FRIEND THEM. BUG THEM. MAKE THEM GET TO KNOW YOU BETTER (whether they want to or not). These are the people you should be fighting for to join your political parties, military/militias, or for your newspaper subscriptions.

Top Left : Russel McNamara

Top Middle : Azriel Black

Top Right : cpinney

Middle Left : JonDoe13

Center Square : Ricros Flether

Middle Right : Qualgar

Bottom Left : Jaded Knight

Bottom Middle :ShogunBob

Bottom Right : SouL West

Honorable Mention goes to the following:
Rowan Quigley

No jokes, personal descriptions, or anecdotes this time. Go get acquainted and make some friends and stories of your own!

Avatars are what we choose to represent ourselves. Make them unique, pretty, and worth looking at. They are what makes you different from other people and the numerical values that make up our effect here in this eRepublic. If people are not talking about how awesome your avatar is, you're not doing it right.
