eRep in Maps - No, we're not dead yet.

Day 701, 18:17 Published in USA USA by Mainegreen

No, this paper isn't dead. It's just that winter is arriving, the house needs cleaning, the wife got sick, work got busy and the training wars got boring. I wasn't planning on starting up again until Sunday, but I felt the need to draw just these few things. This is not going to follow the standard format, but I think that's ok for today.

* The US attacked Hungarian occupied Washington State.

* Nunavut was secured by Hungary in the was vs Canada. The Hungarian hero was zocky, a member of the Hungarian elite forces. The hero for Canada was Neil III, a Canadian getting his first award. Good for you Neil III.

* The US captured the Hungarian held province of Manitoba. Frankly this is why I'm mapping today. This battle was fantastic. First the wall was fought deep underground, to lows reportedly under 600k. Then Hungary, doing what it does, drove that wall back up almost a million points to around 400kish. With 11 minutes left, the wall was still at 350k. 350k! And then EDEN/US shows up in force at 11 minutes until close and voila, the United states was victorious. After endlessly bashing against Fortress Hungary, the walls fell. Hard. The battle hero for the US was US Marine Leroy Combs doing 31524 damage. The hero for Hungary was the Turkish tank teknik562 doing 33992 damage. That's a combined 65516 damage folks. (Yours truly did a sad little 1098 for perspective, but hey, I'm a general now!). Everyone who tanks, tanked. Military units everywhere berserked. This battle was great fun! 😃 (Click the link. Watch the last ten minutes of the battle!)

* North Korea lives! And not on Russia's terms. Hamgyong was captured by the resistance force. wudu, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, got his first resistance war hero award for starting the battle. Sadix, everyone's favorite Polish tank was the hero for the resistance. ashi_bomba, a member of the Iranian army was the hero for Hungary.

* Syddanmark was secured by Hungary in the resistance war designed to draw off Hungarian damage. The hero for the resistance was eneman, as Swedish 21+ strength tank. The hero for Hungary was Juan_Martin, an Argentinian citizen.

* Colombia impeached their president, josedanie, who was permanently banned for being a multi. 😃

* Evidently Alfagrem is still all cranked up, and starting resistance wars in the Federal Republic of South East Asia. Remember, Alfagrem is not a Theocrat, he's evidently just mad at them joining the training war in southeast asia.

That's about all I want to do today. Will be back on Sunday for real. I just kinda burned out on mapping training wars. I hope to have something in place to make dealing with training wars easier.

Later all!