eRep in Maps - August 29th.

Day 648, 19:48 Published in Canada USA by Mainegreen

As usual, let me start by saying you must visit eGobba's World Map. This tool is invaluable to anyone, especially in helping me try and collect the visual representation of what the heck is going on in eRep.

In order to understand these maps here is the legen😛

Included below the continental pictures is a link to allow you to see a larger version of the image.

Yesterday's Article

North America

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* A resistance was started in Delaware by the rather infamous Navy II. This was not an officially started landswap, but the treaty requires Portugal to fight to free it. This is Navy II's attempt to get a free resistance hero award, as GLaDOS did the same. Capitolizing on game mechanics to get a medal just a little bit easier.

* A resistance has started in Indonesian controlled Oregon by Lilla_T, a Finn on behalf of the Americans. However, it seems PEACE has decided it's in their best interests to give it back, either to give Hungary a border with the US or to prevent Canada from ever having a border with Indonesia.

* Mississippi was secured by Indonesia in the war versus the Resistance Force. The US hero was ... Fish Face. Yup. Fish Face. Fish Face is Romanian by the way. The Indonesian hero was one of their own: Jozef Malolepszy.
* This mattered not at all, as the US won the attack that was going on concurrently in Mississippi, capturing back one more southern state. This was the more important battle of the pair, as it was an initiative controlling battle. The US hero was hardmacke, a Swede. The Indonesian hero was the Indonesian Sudirman.

* Arizona was conquered by USA in the war versus Indonesia. The US hero was another Swede: Jensapensa. The Indonesian hero was the Indonesian merga.

* Next up a resistance has started in Nunavut against the Hungarian owners by Che Greco, a Greek, on behalf of Canada.
* Next Canada attacked Nunavut, putting Hungary in the position of having to win both battles in order to keep Nunavut.

* Next up is a three for in Idaho. First Idaho was secured by Russia in the war versus Canada. The Russian hero was Japan's number one citizen: mAonK. The Canadian hero was Romainian HeadCutter.
* Idaho struck immediately by a resistance war start by the Swede Kalle Holm on behalf of the USA.
* Canada attacked Idaho, forcing Russia to win both battles to keep the state, and ensuring Russia does not have the initiative to attack.

* Vermont was secured by Russia in the war versus the Resistance Force. The Russian hero was Hungarian FradiFan. The American hero was an apparent American sporting Uraguan citizenship: Publius. Note that Publius started this resistance war.
* Russia also defeated the Canadian attack on Vermont. The Russian hero was Japan's number one: mAonK. The Canadian hero was George Washington, who is sporting Pakistani citizenship, but beyond that I can not determine George Washington's loyalties or identity.

* USA attacked Nevada, Indonesia. This keeps Indonesia from attacking, though they were under the 24 hour loosing a battle penalty already.

* USA attacked West Virginia, Portugal. Remeber, due to the contract signed between the US and Portugal, this will be a landswap.

* GLaDOS was true to his wor😛 he is the liberator of Washington DC as the resistance war he started there succeeded. The hero for America was the Portuguese citizen Klavh, showing how Portugal really is serious about this peace thing. The hero for Portugal was hohohobn, a Ukrainian. Marking as a completed landswap.

* The resistance war in Delaware failed. Whether this was because no one wanted Navy II to get a resistance hero award, or whether it was due to the significant tanking by non-Portugues PEACE to punish Portugal I'm not sure. The American hero was Zzombik, a Spaniard. The Portuguese hero (though not really) was Japan's number one: mAonk. This one is unusual, and I am marking it as a failed land swap.

reported by Pangolin

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* A resistance began in French-occupied Castilla La Mancha yesterday; started by Zzombik, a citizen of Spain who is from Belarus in real life. The hero for France was Housicker. For Spain, the battle hero was Pluvio. Both are prominent citizens of the nation they fought for, and we've seen them often in this war. If you're wondering why we're reporting the beginning of a resistance war and the battle results in the same issue, this battle began yesterday right in that magical time between when Europe is reported on and the Maps are published. As of this report, there are no new battles in Spain - so it is possible the same thing could happen tomorrow.
* The Basque Country was liberated by Spain. For France, the battle hero was the Spanish citizen Feljunter - believed to have fought Green for the award. For Spain, taguaro took home both the resistance hero award and the battle hero award. The Basque word for champion means literally "one who has a beret", though neither hero has yet been seen wearing one in public.

* Thuringia remained Hungarian after the resistance war started by mogwaiii, a Croatian who was also hero for the resistance. Stric Matic, a Slovenian citizen, was the hero for Hungary.
* Thuringia was also secured by Hungary in the battle versus Germany. The hero for Germany was TheImmortalOne. He is an Ukrainian citizen, but his avatar gives away his secret identity as a Romanian veteran of the war of the LOLcats. The Hungarian battle hero was samu126.

* Sweden attacked Nordjylland in Hungarian-occupied Denmark. This is designed to block Hungary from attacking anti-PEACE allies, as Nordjylland is an Hungarian exclave and home to a Q5 hospital - thus very costly to retreat from.

* The Philippines returned to Sabah, Malaysia, and welcomed South Africa to their regular training war.

Closed Training wars
* See previous days maps for locations of started training wars.
* Latvia was turned away from Samogitia in their training war versus Lithuania and friends.

Thanks for reading!