ePoland v.s. eRomania

Day 490, 13:28 Published in Romania Israel by Will Boose

Wow, almost all of the countrys near us are at war with us now! This article will be covering this new war, and also other wars.
For once, we are on the defensive. ePoland has attacked the region of Volhynia. We are wooping their buts as of now, and I see no threat as of now. ePoland is probably just trying to be the straw that broke the camel's back. After all, there are so many straws on eRomania's back right now(wars if you dont understand what im talking about). We are currently at war with eIran, eIndonesia, eHungary, eUkraine, and most recently ePoland. All of these countries combined are a huge threat to eRomania, and unless all of our allies help us(mainly the U.S., thats who could help the most), it could lead to our downfall. Now heres a story:

From Will Boose's soldier log.
March 24, 2009.

I was sleeping in the barracks last night when my sergeant wakes me up and gives me the news that Poland has attacked our country. And the attack was in the region we were in! He told me to get my Colt pistol, (because we were low on supplies, it was the only gun I had) and all the ammo I had, and get outside to dig in. When I got as far dug in as I could quickly, I heard the first shot. It was the shot of a M-16. I knew they had better supplies than us, we would just have to hold them until the supply drop later today. I took the best aim I could with a colt at the Pole, and I hit him square in the chest. HOORAH yelled our line. Then came 1000 more Polish troops! We only had 500 and we were under-supplied. The man next to me, Citizen A.D. Davis got hit. I then jumped out of my foxhole, yelled charge, and only 100 men came with me. I hit 2, 3, 4, then ran out of ammo. I grabbed my knife and stabbed the Pole next to me. Then I heard a "RETREAT!" from who mustve been their field marshal. I yelled HOORAH and got back to my foxhole, because even though we won a mini victory, I knew we would still lose in the long run. When I got back to A.D. Davis, he was doing much better. He even stood up and took a pot shot and the retreating Polish army. Then all of a sudden I hear helicopters. I look up and I see supply boxes falling. That was all that there was to see though, there were 300 american paratroopers coming down from the sky. We had a chance! As soon as I got a AK-47 and more pistol ammo out of one of the supply boxes, I grabbed a few men, and talked to the lead paratrooper and we organized another charge. This time we drove the Polish army back far enough that we could go back to sleep in the barracks.