ePakistan National Meeting on Sunday.. Everyone invited

Day 1,698, 08:40 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
Dear ePakistanis

Like I wrote in my previous article that I am considering calling a National meeting in which different issues and agendas related to ePakistan will be discussed. I have prepared an agenda for the meeting and I would like to share the agenda with you through this Article. 

As convener of the meeting it will be my responsibility to manage all arrangements related to the meeting. I will appoint few individuals as moderators for the meeting and have also setup a channel for National Meeting already.

Meeting Details:

IRC CHANNEL: #epak.meeting
IRC CHAT LINK: http://tinyurl.com/ePakchat

TIME: 4:30 PM (Pakistan Time) i.e 4:30 am ( eRepublik time)

Agenda for the meeting

- Reconciliation among all Pakistanis
- Long term goals planning
- Constitutional draft will be presented to public

After the meeting an analysis of the meeting will be published along with logs.

Note: It's a personal intiative by me, government individuals should be present.