Epac for Congress in Wyoming

Day 673, 06:20 Published in USA USA by Sirius Cybernetics Corporation

The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation would like to take a pause from its pondering of Life, the Universe and Everything after, to pass the keyboard over to a distinguished gentleman from Wyoming. Hopefully, soon the Hitchhiker's Guide to eRepublik will return to guide you through the turmoil that is our eWorld and as always, remind you not to Panic.

My name is Epac and I would like to run for Congress in the Great State of Wyoming. I have been active in eRepublik for quite some time now and I enjoy everything about it. Most of my time has been spent in either military action or in mentoring new citizens on the ways of the game. I had been undecided about entering into the politics realm until recently, but I now feel it is the right time. Our country is in a great position to capitalize on recent events. We have an amazing leader at the head of our eNation and the right Congress will lead the eUSA to greatness.

My Platform
I am a Federalist running with the help of the United Independents Party. That alone is one of my core values. Cooperation between the political parties is essential to our country being great again. I have been around through good and bad administration and have seen the in-fighting of our parties at its worst. In that time, party leaders have come and gone. Now we have Party Leaders that have a desire to work with Congress and our President. Wages are rising and our land is coming back. Best time ever to be a citizen of eAmerica!

Most of us are now veterans of current war. We have fought at home and abroad through overwhelming odds, horrible bugs, and deception from unlikely places. With the help of our awesome allies and some great military leaders, we are now poised to rid our country of the foreign invaders. The very same people who helped me when I was new to the game are now in the key leadership positions of our country. I have listened and learned much from them. Every day I learn more about our wartime strategy and why it will work. To say the least, I am excited just to be a part of what is to come.

On the home front, I am for Training and Communication. The Training Divisions are a wonderful way to get new players involved. They helped me and they helped personal friends of mine. Plato can only teach you so much, sometimes it takes some good colleagues to teach you more. I want to expand these programs and get everyone involved. I have “lost” friends in the game because they did not feel involved and decided to quit. There is so much to do here, we just need to get the word out. Which brings me to Communication. We do a great job in Communicating to our citizens, but we can do better. Many different ways we can explore options for mass-communication and I look forward to having the chance.

Last is Q5 Hospitals and Defense Systems. Bottom line, we need more. Many companies are willing to build them. The money is there and the need is there. This way we can have a country that does not require everyone to life in one State!

In conclusion, Thank you for reading my presentation and thank you to the United Independents Party for allowing me the chance to serve the great state of Wyoming!

Thank you,