Entering the Age of Charitable Giving

Day 1,212, 12:40 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

It is easier now than ever before in eRepublik to engage in charitable giving. With enormous inventories, it's possible to send a brand new player a few days worth of food, whereas in the past it was only possible to send until the 20 slot inventory was filled.

I have a few food companies. I make enough to supply myself in full each day. I have enough money to live comfortably. I have extra food, and I'd rather put it towards a good use than toss it on the market.

I don't know how often I'll be doing this, but consider this charitable giveaway #1. Hopefully other large producers will follow suit. This is what I will do:

If you are a member of the Training Corps, have 2 or less companies, and are level 22 or lower, leave a comment and I'll send over some food. 100 Q1 food and 1 Q5 tank for each of the first two eligible commenters. After that, if others that are eligible comment I will send over some smaller packets of Q2 food.

Why TC members only? I want to make sure these donations go to good use. The TC is a great retention tool for this nation, and my hope is that I will be giving this food to a few people who will continue playing eRepublik for a while and who will fight smart with their extra fights.

Let's share the wealth, everyone. With the 10G gold limit, it is going to be basically impossible for some large scale producers to ever get rid of their USD. Think about either donating goods or money to the up and coming generation.


PS: If you're a new citizen, join TC! http://tinyurl.com/TC-Application1