Entente Alliance

Day 819, 16:24 Published in Japan Italy by AlessandraV
Hello dear citizens of Japan, i know also that you also have MPP with Ukraine 🙂 but..

I am Director of communication and information in Entente and i write this article in order to see the reaction of your goverment about joining the Alliance of Neutral countries.

We have all saw what is happening in eWorld how is treated "Neutrality" and we have attacks on small neutral countries like now eAustria by much bigger country eCroatia. In these circumstances neutral countries dont know to whom to turn on than to other rivalry alliance for the help, unfortunatly that help isnt sometimes very big cause they have priorities to protect their other alliance members also and they cant achive everything or their effort is tiny.
So in this case i write this article to let You guys know that there is an alliance who wil gather up all neutral countries and that we will fight to perserve our original regions, If diplomacy cant win we would send ur troops to defend our ally and that we shouldn't rely on help of the opposing alliance.
We should then create a neutral alliance which is threat to no one and the enemy is the country who invades a neutral weak country, we dont think negatively about them, just we fight to defend the regions. You might presume entente is pro phoenix but its not entirely eFrance and eItaly cant on their own defend themselves from such big enemy so the help needed to be asked from the opposing alliance.
I ask if the president of your country or MoFA, could contact me with an opinion about joining us to preserve neutrallnes of some countries in this eWorld, and i also want to see peoples opinion about joining the "Neutral alliance" - Entente which for now make eItaly, eUkraine, eFrance and new member eParaguay.

Here are few articles about Entente that you can all read to see what we are exactly, because we never had a good PR to explain everything 🙂




I know its Edens moto but they didnt come up with it: United we stand and divided we fall