Enough of Your Politics

Day 849, 10:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Johnobrow

This isn't politics. This isn't religion. This is humanity. You're part of humanity aren't you? Part of the whole, part of the main, part of the body. The collective breathing one. A single entity. What this is is medicine. We have to turn the cancer into a seed. Death into life. Destruction into creation. Turn war into peace. Fear into comfort. Sadness into happiness. We have to turn the many individuals into a single people once again. Are you willing to give? Willing to put down your arms of isolation. Are you willing to create peace where there was once war? Are you willing to overcome this madness, this insanity?

No, this isn't politics. This is everything. This is humanity.

But humanity you say is flawed. That infallible, rigid, corrupt human nature. Oh what heinous crimes have been explained away in the name of human nature. It is the Devil of the 21st century. It is treated as Satan. What we cannot understand must be human nature. We ourselves are our dangerous enemy. But how can we know human nature? We experience so little of human possibility. We experience humanity enslaved. Human nature imprisoned. It is only freedom that can show us what we are capable of. The good that we can be. We must pull down the cage that has been created in our minds if we are to know ourselves, to know this nature of humanity. Only liberty, only unlimited potential can create a natural man, a natural woman, a natural people. Captivity is our enemy. The cage is our enemy. Break out! We don't need the key. We are ourselves the key! Rise up! Become whatever you may.
