Endorsment of Starkad from me and the entire BU!

Day 498, 08:23 Published in Germany Netherlands by MortenLond

Since the creation of the party nearly 2 months ago, BD (now BU) has wanted it's own presidential candidate. The presidential seats is one which much be filled by one who knows which things works and which don't. One who knows erepublik economy and one who understand the politics behind it.

That candidate is Starkad Rorlikson! A great individual who have been teaching the common people and congressmen in eGermany, economics and taxes for months now. Starkad has had several important offices in the last administrations and have been helping eGermany (now AGU) ever since the liberation war 5 months ago. I trust him to the fullest of my heart and I trust that he will do the best possible job for the AGU that is possible.

It is clear that the coming time will be hard. The current situation in Austria demands the full attention by the new president to find a viable solution to the crisis hitting the AGU, the rising prices on weapons in AGU and the possible takeover attempts by other countries.

It is clear that the parties in the AGU lacks real politics. We do not have heated debates with communists like in other countries, due to every party in the AGU being a pragmatic one. This isen't nessarcally a bad thing, however every party is just the same at the moment. I think it is time to make it absolutely clear what politics define which party, and that time will come soon enough.

Starkad will be coming with articles on his plans for AGU in the very near future, stay tuned!

I hope that you vote Starkad for president, because I know that i will!

For a strong union!
stark – stärker – Starkad
Vote Starkad for president of the AGU!

BU Party President