Empire Maps - Sweden

Day 734, 15:11 Published in USA Canada by Spencer Magee
- Indonesia Empire Map
- Romania Empire Map

This one will be about Sweden. I originally wanted to do Sweden and Norway together but then I realized I was typing more then I meant, ha.

Correct any mistakes pleace.

Sweden’s Empire

Click to enlarge

Sweden got its start in late 2007 like Indonesia on a Swedish forum. It quickly catapulted them to dominant status in Europe, free to operate without consequences, because their rivalling empires, Pakistan and Indonesia, were tucked far away on the other side of the globe.

Denmark – Sweden’s reason for invading Denmark was the same as Indonesia’s for invading Australia. Apparently the President of Denmark, Grev Per, insulted the Swedes. However this may be justified since Grev Per was notoriously anti-Swedish and was banned a few times for it. Apparently he insulted many people though. One of the times he was banned was once when he claimed Swedes were actually an Ape species called Homo-Swedes. Sweden would have invaded anyways, apparently Grev Per was just trying to speed up the process. As a side note, Denmark from this point on will always be occupied by one state or another, sometimes its regions split between four different nations.

Germany x1 – Invading Germany seems to be a Swedish national pass time. My count is they have done it three times so far. The first time was after Sweden had invaded Denmark and made the rest of Europe crap their pants at the idea of complete Swedish hegemony over the continent. Germany, the only other country Sweden could invade next, was understandably worried, so they tried to sign alliances with Sweden’s distant rivals, Indonesia and Pakistan. Due to a lack of support from Pakistan and Indonesia though Sweden conquered all of Germany, except for the tiny region of Saarland.

Germany x2 + Poland – Sweden and Germany signed a Peace Treaty, which saw Germany pay Sweden reparations and had Sweden return some German regions. Germany wasn’t satisfied though so ended up breaking the contract they had and attacked Poland to gain more regions. Poland had the support of the USA and Germany had the support of Pakistan. The Americans became distracted though and Germany conquered Poland. Not much good it did them, since Sweden would just conquer the remaining German territories afterwards, including all of Poland which had been conquered by Germany.

France – Operation French Toast. The ATLANTIS invasion of France, which saw the western European nation being attacked on all sides by Canada, the USA, Spain, the United Kingdom and Sweden. On paper it sounds foolproof, though France had enough support to repel all the invaders (not after taking good chunks of France though). Sweden was able to conquer Lorraine, Franche-comte and Rhone-Alps from their possessions in Germany, before being pushed out.

Germany x3 – Swedish leadership was unwilling to negotiate with the exiled Germans, which was understandable considering the Germans had broken their last agreement. Germany though was able to gain the support of PEACE Global Community, who initiated Operation Burning Spirit, an impressive feat that liberated all of Sweden’s German territories.

The Third German War had lasting ramifications for the game though, unlike the past two which had been mainly regional conflicts. Germany, when freed, extended an olive branch to ATLANTIS, spurning PEACE who had assisted them. Sweden, a member state of the ATLANTIS alliance, was reluctant, but the government at the time did not instigate war. It was when Kalle Holm was elected Swedish President that Sweden attacked Germany again. By that time Germany had been a passive member of the alliance, and the conflict would lead to the breaking up of ATLANTIS. Sweden was supported by the Eastern half of ATLANTIS, including Poland who had also declared war on Germany, while the western half either supported Germany or chose neutrality.

Either way, the Anglophone nations attempted to create a more regional alliance as a result, entitled FORTIS (they would be betrayed by the United Kingdom though) while the Eastern half created EDEN, which today is the main alliance opposing the remnants of PEACE GC, consisting of almost all the former ATLANTIS nations and some new members.

After a Swedish spy, sh00t, gained the Presidency in Germany, the entire country was split between Sweden and Poland. However, PEACE once again came to Germany’s aid, with Hungary, Italy and France jointly liberating Germany.

Norway – Sweden never actually conquered any of Norway. They did occupy the region of Nord-Norge several times throughout the Great War of 2009 (or World War 3), in an effort to stop Russian advances.

Sweden lost its empire after the Third German War. They granted their allies in Poland independence, France, Italy and Hungary would liberate the entirety of Germany, with Hungary then doing the same with Denmark. Hungary would use its control of Denmark to region swap into Scotland in agreement with the UK, and would then occupy several Canadian Provinces and US states during the Third World War.

While their dreams of empire were dashed, Sweden never lost its core base, and still remains a threat to be reckoned with today. Germany better watch their backs, maybe the 4th times the charm 😉

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