EM Update

Day 667, 09:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by East Midlands Assembly

EM Council update

Since the Council was re-established, some months ago now, there have been a few changes in staff.
Your Councillors are;

Lee Richards – Perky young chap, an unchained free spirit. (Chairman of the Board)

GGRyan – Perky young chap, a busy bee in the MoT. (Entertainment)

Mahlak Dependus – A bright young fellow, our money man. (Finance)

Del Fuego – A bright young fellow, he’s our health guy. If you’re new to the EM join us on the forums and get a gift basket. (Health)

Mr Woldy – I’ve never heard of this guy. Apparently he’s good at what he does. (Media)

DaRuler – Da is as Da does. (Transport)

This team aims to keep EM’ers informed and entertained. We advise you vote and subscribe articles, and add the East Midlands Assembly as a friend.

Training Wars

Currently, the eUK is participating in the PEACE training wars, between Latvia and Lithuania. They happen regularly, so you can expect to be fighting on an almost daily basis. Keep an eye open for open battles in this war.

A training war not only allows the general populace to increase in rank and so fighting ability, but also allows us to get easy wellness. The eUK has 4 Q5 hospital regions, and the East Midlands is one of them.


The East Midlands has a Q5 Hospital, which means after fighting, you can use it to heal 50 health. This means, you can fight up to 5 times and fully replenish the health you would lose in doing so.

The key to not losing too much wellness is to not over-fight. It is often tempting to fight a few more times to try and help, but remember; when you do you are losing 10 health. It is always best to fight an equal number of times to your hospitals quality. So if you’re in the EM, that’s 5 times.

Gaining wellness in order to gain wellness, you should fight just once in a battle, then heal at your hospital. Repeat the process the next day until your wellness is at its highest. If your wellness is below 40, meaning that you can’t fight, ask a friend to gift you, or try a higher quality food.

Mr Woldy, EM Councillor for Media.

Entertainment Update

The East Midlands should officially be known as the home of games, because we got stuff on our forum to attract people from all around! I'm gonna pick out a few that i've introduced, just to show how awesome they are!

The Hill! – http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=19006

The Hill is a recently introduced game on the East Midlands forums. The aim of the game is to beat down defences, take the hill and then defend it! This has attracted people from the London, Welsh, North West and East of England forums,and it has got pretty damn high tech. Soon, I will be trashing the Hill and restarting it... so just you wait!

True of False? – http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=18780

This game lets you find out all about your fellow players! You simply answer the player above you's question, then set your own. Classic example - The person below me likes to sing in the shower. True! So get over there, set some questions and watch the chaos!

The eUK Lotto

Temporarily suspended because I have a new job that I need to channel a little into, however in the launch it looked good (In 9 hours we sold 55 tickets). So good, in fact, that Del Fuego made an oddly similar Navy one Buy tickets, nice and cheap, and newbies get benefits!

There is so much more I could list, but why should I? Why don’t you go sample the awesome, brilliant, vibrant community for yourself?

East Midlands Forums - Go Play!

GGRyan, EM Councillor for Entertainment.[/spoiler]