Elite Unit Nickname/Name ...or something like that

Day 709, 07:47 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by the blasphemer

Hello Czech Citizens!

As you can see it's an army related article, but i'm writing it in my newspaper... That's because i'm not writing this as Minister of Defense, i'm writing it as Commander of Elite Unit. 😃

As you may know elite units around the eWorld have nicknames since the name Elite Unit is pretty boring and unoriginal 😛, so i'm asking for you opinions. Members of EU, write down your proposals for the name, other soldiers can help too if they want, but the bottom line is, we need a cool name 😃, maybe catchy too, it would be nice if it could be in czech, but something simple to use and write. Or we could use some abbreviation if you like...

Post your ideas here and we will decide together! Let the brainstorming BEGIN!

Gen.The Blasphemer
eCR [insert_name_here] Commander

Vote, Sub, Read, Comment, maybe troll a bit but not too much...do it! 🙂