eLife stories? Sounds cool.

Day 659, 21:39 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

I found a newspaper that is finding people to interview. So I have submitted my history of my life to them and perhaps all who are following my small campaign may like to hear. I hope this will help everyone to get to know me better and my life in eRepublik...

Well, here's what happened with me.

I was a new citizen here, who was at the time, interested in some online social networking games. I found out about eRepublik and joined up.

It was a dull life for my citizen at first, but then I was able to fight in a war (which for me was ridiculously thrilling) and I gained a lot of health from the hospital. I was then able to get a very good job and from there on out, things just happened after that.

The most memorable things about being here was the impeachment of Uncle Sam. I was wondering why someone would be impeache😛 it's a game right? But apparently, Uncle Sam had been negligent in his duties...

And so began my political career.

I decided at that time to run for Congress, hoping I could be more active in issues than Uncle Sam was. Nevertheless, I was in a non-top 5 party, so I did not make it on to the ballot. Before Uncle Sam actually, I did run for congress, but I was a silly citizen back then and really had no clue what I was doing...

Fast forward to the attack on Alaska. All I could think was that Russia needed a good lesson. But then I discovered the alliances that had been forged and a whole new level of international politics was revealed to me. Suddenly, I understood what people were talking about on forums and newspapers. It was from then on that I really got into eRepublik.

I learned about all the lingo, all the issues, and developed a sense of values that I would have liked to see in the government. I learned that eAmerica was a little shaky, and after having to move to Florida, I was determined to learn even more about the game and what I could do as a citizen.

I became a critical thinker about the game, as I naturally am in real life about real issues. And today I am digitally standing before you as campaigning for a president! Why? Because I got ideas and I can't hold them in. I continue to be a citizen trying to do well in eAmerica and find ways to do things for it.

Thanks for your time in interviewing me. Good luck with your newspaper, and to all out there, hope you will follow my campaign 😉

And also to all out there, good luck in eRepublik!


That's me for you! Watch out soon! For I will put up another article with more of my views. Good luck to all out there playing eRepublik! And hope I can do something for you folks.

ASK QUESTIONS. I want to answer them and show eAmerica that I want to help!


P.S. Don't worry, you'll see a humorous article soon enough. For those who don't know, I can be a really comical (if not very funny) guy.