Electoral Plan (S.F.P)

Day 1,815, 03:13 Published in USA USA by Kaiser Schuster

I have been serving one political party that I honestly think can run the eU.S. by itself. I honestly love what we do at S.F.P (Socialist Freedom Party). I think with help and a 2 month plan, we can be number 5 on the parties and get our men that know true polotics into a great position in power for our country. My plans are kind of centered around getting true men to lead a great nation. While I was growing up, I was told never to back down. We are letting this happen in our governmet and it needs to stop now! Here are my plans for our parties construction towards the top:
1. Get members at an all time high of 130 Members.
2. Make our income for our party at 5% for any payments.
3. Our party members selling weapons at a low price, yet acceptable.
4. Get our military program involved with our parties plans.
5. Campaigning in Asia. (NOT EUROPE)
6. Listen to all ideas thrown out there. (EVERYONES)
7. Take advice from higher officials.
8. Follow our S.F.P Constitution!!!

Now I believe if we can do all this, we will be at a great place in the history of the eUnited States of America.
Vice-President:Ghost of Tom Joad
Secritary General:The Norm
Spokesperson: Hampton H. Hampton