Election presentation

Day 794, 01:40 Published in Belgium Belgium by Rithulme
Friends, eBelgians, countrymen,
Lend me your ears.

Hereby I would like to present myself as a candidate for the next congress elections in eBelgium. I believe that in chaotic times dedicated people can make a difference and I want to be one of those dedicated people.

Belgium should be a free, independent and neutral country, I will never agree with anything that makes this nation a puppet state nor will I consent with a so called ‘merge of forces for our own benefit’ that will put us in a war and eventually lead to a loss of sovereignty . We have enough problems as it is now, our economy is crippled under a long time of occupation and we have few active players. The later will lead to people and organizations wanting to exploit us, and we must be vigilant that such a thing will not happen!

I believe a first step should be to make sure there are enough low requirement jobs for all new players. On top of that people in need must be supported, there is not a hospital yet in this country so wellness control should be an important task of the government. The players are what make a country, nothing else, and a government should be there for the players, nothing else!

Building up this country from its ruins will not be an easy task, but I believe we can do it with lots of hard work. There are other countries in eRepublic who did the same so why can’t we?

I would also like to express my support to some other dedicated people that also run for the congress, that have proven their love for this country and willingness to make a change. They have my full support and I would never consider ‘losing’ an election to them a loss.

in Brussels
NicknameFromRonny (presentation)
wout (presentation)
uaithne (presentation)
Eric De Bruyne

in Flanders
daniecox (presentation)
Aldous Zamiatin (presentation)

Good luck to all of you, and of course these best wishes apply also to the candidates that I haven’t listed here but also have the best intentions for an independent eBelgium. The people above are those I've known for a while know and I trust them with all my heart
Also, to create a united front of true eBelgians for these elections, I also promote the Belgium for Belgians party. Together with the NDF, this is the only party which mainly consists of actual nationals and people who uphold the best interests of our nation. Please show your support.

For a free and neutral eBelgium!!!

PS: thank you all for lending me your ears, you can have them back now.