Eldorado Charter Tours: Book Now for Your Reward

Day 1,085, 15:53 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson
Traveled Already:
Rainer N
Lord of Painkillers
Alias Vision
Captain Kushskins

Current Ticket Holders (2 sets available):

Next Up:
Matt Thomas McIan
(open to any eCanadian, just ask)

No need to donate me a ticket. We have enough for two players already.
Buenos Dias eCanada,

Feeling those late-Fall blahs and need to get away? Have skyrocketing moving ticket prices got you down? Wishing you could “Find Eldorado” but can’t afford the +160 CAD investment?

If you said “Yes, I sure as hell do” to at least that last question, then here is a deal for you.

I’ll give you 8 moving tickets if you give me one first (EDIT: no ticket necessary). Okay, it’s a bit more complicated than that. I’m looking for a small group of people (hopefully 7 others) that are willing to pool one moving ticket each. After I gather 8 moving tickets and collect my Eldorado reward, then I will donate the 8 tickets to the first person that sent me a ticket.

After that person collects his reward, he sends the 8 tickets to the second person who donated a ticket to me. So on and so on until we have all received our reward.

What then? Well, I will collect the 8 tickets and send them back to the proper owners.

Sound like a deal? The big question is, “Can you trust me and the others in the group?” Well, that is the rub ain’t it? If you know me and I know you, and we’re all part of the same team, then why shouldn’t we try to cooperate a little towards an easy goal. There’s been plenty discord and distrust lately, so it would be nice to prove some of that wrong by making the ‘Eldorado or Bust’ group tour a reality/

Feeling generous and want to help out newer eCanadians that cannot afford the steep cost of 8 tickets? Instead of asking for the ticket back right away, let me find other poor or low-level eCanadians that need a helping hand.

I will ensure that at least 10 other eCanadians benefit from your short-term investment. I will also ensure that any eCanadian who fails to donate back the tickets will regret their dishonesty for the rest of their e-lives.

So, place a comment below to book a spot on the Eldorado charter trip. When I feel I’ve contacted at least 7 other reliable players, I’ll collect your ticket and let you know when you’ll be riding the Eldorado Charter Tour. Hurry, seating may be limited.

I’ll gladly accept any feedback, ridicule, or helpful suggestions about my ‘groupon-like’ deal.

See you in the lost city

Disclaimer Notice: Drinks will be served, but it’s a BYOG event (bring your own guns). I’ll see what I can do about gathering weapons for new players that cannot afford to purchase the 5 required.