eIreland, a serious moment Please.

Day 803, 21:22 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
Hi eIreland.

Remember me? Some of you do. We’ve served together, lol’d together. Some of us have built parts of this government, military and culture together. Some of us still stay in touch in various forums and even in email. Even if you don’t see me, you probably see my articles around once in a while… Yeah, I left the Isle and can’t let go and I’ve gotten a bit lulzy lately after meeting all the wickets I set for myself. But let’s talk seriously for a minute…

No lulz right now

I just turned, or depending upon your measure, am about to turn six e-months old. In that time I have delved into politics, defence and even tabloid journalism. I’ve attacked, supported, fought and defended various presidents. I’ve always (even now in my role as a Theocrat) been an independent thinker.

I can understand the more… fringe elements of e-world. Want to lead a revolution? Cool… You want to do it from a Communist Perspective? Cheers… Capitalist? Cool, tough road though…

You want to go to war? Mad fun… let’s do it.

Eden? Rock on… Phoenix? Good on you… Indy? Cool too. Start a new one? Nice…

You want to disrespect women and demean them? GTFO.

You want to say that one RL ethnic group is lesser than yours? GTFO.

You want to discriminate against any RL group, gender, race, creed or belief? GTFO

Just the straight dope

Today apparently Manni_reborn (i.e. Mannimarco/Paulie Walnuts/Elusmon, all banned) and or others put forth an article satirizing the fictitious “rape” of the current CP of eIreland Edana Savage. This is not their first time. A similar group of adolescent boys did the same thing to another person in eIreland about five months ago. It was equally sickening. Though I will not bring forth the alleged names from the last offense or the collective political party involved, if you have been around long enough you will remember me being rather angry about it.

If you were around back then and not under the hot light, or even if you were then and are not now, you should be angry.

Not all of us are RL indigenous Irish. I’m not. I’m a first generation American of Irish decent. None of that matters… What matters is this…

What’s important

I know I have already went beyond the Too Long Didn’t Read limits of many. But I hope a few of you stuck around. When I was a boy, I asked my mother if I was going to be “big” like my dad. She said “Yes” (I’m 6’2” and weigh about 220”)

I asked her why, so I can be in charge like Daddy? She said “No. Not to be in charge. To protect.”

I asked her what that meant and she said “You’ll be big like all the Irishmen in our family are. You’ll be big like all the men who have gone before you. Not to put your boot on the neck of the smaller men, but to lift them up. To protect them. You’ll be big so the women and children around you have nothing to fear. You’ll be big so that men with dark souls cant hurt those who cant yet help themselves. Big men like you were born to take care of the small… But you’ll never use your size to hurt, understand boy?”

Ok, I’ve probably embellished the dialogue a little, but the message is the same.

The message

eIreland, this is a game. But not a God-D@mned thing about discussing, theorizing or pretending to sexually assault, control or demean another human being is okay.

What should you do? I’m not sure. I know that I’m not interested at all in speaking to Manni, PP, or any other single person who continues the kind of bullsh!t that they support…

What will you do?

Will you ask admin to permaban Manni et al? I think you should… I think you should report them personally. And then I think you should post “Manni et al GTFO” in the comments…

Had enough? I have….

“Manni et al GTFO”