eIndonesian's abroad Please do not work in Iron Companies

Day 771, 20:38 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ostin

eIndonesians please do not work abroad....

It will hurt our economy and also also help increase the treasury of the enemy countries

see this
[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/country/economy/USA [/url]

USA has set IRON INCOME TAX at 50%
what does it mean?

if you salary is 10USD ....then 5 USD will go to Government of USA and you being a worker will receive only 5USD.. which is very less...this means a Income tax of 50%

So Do not work abroad...Please return back to eIndonesia..

How to return ??
as if u see you can not come from Karnataka to Indonesia since karnataka is captured by USA

Since eUsa has War with eIndonesia So you can not return directly

You have one option...

Buy two tickets ..
Move to eSingapore
Then from there Move to eIndonesia.

[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/2151721 [/url]


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