eIndian Co-Op Business [Frame Work]

Day 670, 20:39 Published in India India by ArjaaAine
Few days ago when I posted this. I got overwhelming response from everyone.
I want to thank all of you, Since I got soo many PMs.. I may have missed responding to yours and I am sorry for that.

Today I am proposing the final business plan.
We are going to work on a Q5 Company. It is going to be a Q5 Housing Company.
For the company we need an investment of 450g.

So since its a Q5 company the shares will be offered at 5g each.
there will be 90 shares available and the company will only start once all the 90 shares are bought.

Hopefully from the response I have gotten it should take about 7 to 10 days for the required investment to be generated.

Now for the finer details.

The profits will be divided in 100 parts->
they will distributed equally among everyone and I will get the 10 parts besides the shares as a commission of managing the company. (This is negotiable, if majority of the shareholders disagree with this.. it will be changed 😁

A contract will be drafted Soon and Every shareholder will be asked to sign the contract, before they can be considered share holders.


Estimation of Costs :-

Avg skill of employee in Housing Sector is 3
avg wellness because of low skills is about 70..
Also avg cost of wood is 0.008g.
Cost of wood = 0.3 INR

avg worker = 3 skill
avg 3 skilled worker salary right now = 7 INR.
Production of Skill 3 at Q1(70 wellness) = 10.8
at Q5 = 2.16

So with 20 S3 employees, We produce a Q5 house in 4.63 days.
Salary each day = 140 INR.. total salary = 648.15 INR
total cost of 1000 pieces of wood = 250 INR
total cost = 900 INR.

That is IF everything goes perfectly.
a more reasonable cost is 950 INR = 25.5g

Avg Price of a Q5 house = 36g (Black Market)

36g = 1350 INR.
Our price has to be that to sell quick and fast. So without VAT price = 1335 INR.
Profit per house = 385 INR
Now Removing the 10% Income tax(Tax lost on withdrawal)

Profit left is about 350 INR
So profit per week is approx. 600 INR
Hence Every share will earn 6 INR per week.

This is initial investment.
Within 1 month the Skills of our employees will increase and Our Profit can come upto 15 INR per week.

This means in a month you will be making about .4g every week with an investment as small as 5g.
If someone invests 20g.. you will be making about 2g every week after about a month of Investment.

At first glance it may not seem a lot; but trust me, it beats loosing 20g in a company. and the profits in our investment will only rise. Barely fall.

I would encourage EVERYONE out there to buy 1 share and lets start this revolution.

Rules of Contract :-

1) Your investment will be bound by a contract.
2) You CAN withdraw your money anytime, if passed by at least 50% of shareholders. You WILL be given the full price of your share back.
3) Profits will be distribute weekly or bimonthly, depending on the company's standing.
4) If the company incurs a loss, it will be taken care by Me.
5) All records of expenses and income will be kept, and will be available at request.
6) The company access will be held only by me or someone with more than 25% shares.

If you are interested in this.. Donate your gold amount (5g * # of shares you want) to India Business Group.
A PM to the org or myself would be greatly appreciated.

Your contract will be drafted as soon as I see the donation and your share will be active, as soon as you sign it.

If you have any Questions PM me or contact me at arjaaaine@hotmail.com.
please if I don't respond, message me again.. I didn't ignore you, i just got too busy. 🙂

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Since I am approaching my first media Mogul medal I am changing the format of my articles from now on.

I got the inspiration from maverick10's Newspaper.
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My first Major Article -> Stop Complaining People

The Last of my Sequence of Stats Article ->eIndia Times

World War III thoughts -> A lesson to be Learned.

Every nation Deserves Sovereignty

Fighting/Training Article -> Maximize your Fighting Potential

Business Articles -> Indian Co-Op business


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