eHungary welcomes the eUK to PEACE GC

Day 606, 14:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Locassen

(for background music: )

„Holy God, out of kindness,
has sent this man to us
to save us from Grendel's terror.
I shall give treasures
to that brave man
for his impetuous courage.
Be you in haste: go,
call in this band of kinsmen.
Say to them that they are welcome
to the Danish people."

Dear citizens of the eUnited Kingdom,

As President Hassan Pesaran has recently announced, the UK is now a member of PEACE GC and it is my pleasure to deliver the greeting words of our government and the people of eHungary.
Since my appointment in the darkest days of winter and the darkest days of eHungary I always have had the hope that once in the future the two nations of ours would develop relations of friendship and cooperation. With the fall of Atlantis the UK had to make tough decisions as some of her allies – by whose side the British troops had fought to the bitter end – faded into insignificance while others, including the former colonies in the North American continent now also known as the United States, pursued selfish goals with no consideration of UK interests.
The gradual, slow steps towards PEACE powers (including the MPP with Italy and the plan of training wars with Hungary) we considered as wise and careful steps of your government to preserve the sovereignty of the UK in troubled times. Since others made it clear, that who was not with them, was against them, this process of reconciliation between the United Kingdom and PEACE GC has eventually led to this day, when the UK took its seat in the Council of the world’s dominant military-political alliance.

Some citizens however might be worried about these events and they have seemingly good reasons for that. One look at the map shows that the only British province, Scotland ever conquered by foreign powers is now in the hands of Hungary, whose ambassador is writing these lines – so the rightful question comes whether this means to a threat to the UK. Others might feel ashamed of having abandoned the former allies of the United Kingdom and sided with those whom you had earlier regarded as sworn enemies. Finally there might be concerns, what benefit a PEACE-membership would mean to the UK, what you can expect from this new situation. Let me answer these questions.

First of all, Hungary has never had, does not and will not have any harmful intentions against the United Kingdom. The temporary occupation of the Highlands serves purely strategical and training purposes, and once the contract between our governments expires, we will immediately and unconditionally restore the sovereignty of the United Kingdom over her territory. Furthermore I can assure everyone that the word ’ally’ means a lot to us: without allies we could never have shaken off the yoke of the Romanian oppressors and never achieved the enviable position we currently held. We are also always keen on returning the help we received, which attitude is clearly demonstrated by the liberation of France, Russia, Mexico, Serbia, Germany, and Latvia. Also we pay great attention to the needs of our friends as it will soon be proved during the negotiations on Russian provinces under Hungarian control. To sum it up, we are not the kind of guys who ignore or let down their allies, just on the contrary.

Secondly, there is no need to blush because of departing your former allies. As President Hassan clearly outlined, there is no debt the UK should pay to any ex-Atlantis powers; nothing unfair you have done against Fortis and EDEN nations and choosing our side has been a decision after all doors to your former friends had been shut – by them.

Finally what PEACE can offer is a coherent policy in the international theater, ample opportunity for developing military and economical strength of the United Kingdom, equal right in decision-making and first and foremost, lots of lulz.

So again, greetings, and enjoy the game with us.

Ambassador of eHungary to the United Kingdom