Edition 12: Congress the 9th Wonder of the World.

Day 668, 12:13 Published in USA USA by Devan Kronos

Welcome to yet another edition of the Anvil! In this edition there won’t be an interview sadly, although I am entertaining a few interview ideas and this Article will be short and sweet and to the point...well that was my plan when I started. Under my own cognizance and will I have decided to run for Congress in the great state of South Carolina! As I have shown people who have met me or know me, I am a calm, cool, and collected person. I always show respect for those with whom I disagree and keep an open mind. I’m a rather laid back individual and usually never lose my temper. If you want to know more about my personality take a look at this, http://www.personalitypage.com/INTJ.html. It’s close enough to suit our purposes. A lot of the work I have done thus far I can't come out and say, suffice to say I work in the Intelligence community. I have been serving in the eUS Training Division since the early days of the war.

I will work my hardest in congress along with the other Representatives from our fair sister states to get a hospital for us when this war comes to an end. If I recall SC had a Q1 at the start of this war and I will endeavor to get it back. Our country is currently embroiled in a fight for our very survival. A second Revolution some could say. We will fight and win through to absolute victory! We will not rest until all of America is ours once more. We will not rest until we have freed our allies from occupation of their regions. Only when those goals have been meet will we call a just end to this horrible war.

We will have hard work ahead of us rebuilding our nation. But we can do it, eAmerica will persevere. Why should you vote for me you ask? Why not one of the other candidates? I won’t speak high and mighty and say because I’m me and I’m awesome. No, I cannot in all good conscience speak and say those things, because I don’t know. Only my friends know, ask them. Vote for me because I will work towards your best welfare. I will work toward a brighter future for America and a better tomorrow. I am a humble person so all this self absorbed stuff isn’t easy for me to write and to be honest is making me a little self conscious and a tad queasy lol. So instead of writing up about myself I’ll let my friends say it for me.

"Devan Kronos is a dedicated, thoughtful individual."
- Astra Kat G, Congresswoman, US Green Party

"Devan Kronos is a dedicated, thorough, industrious citizen and will be a great asset to our congress.”
- Daphne Lilac, Party President, Libertarian Party

”I have known Devan Kronos for quite some time now and it has been a pleasure working with him. He is always a laugh on IRC, I suggest you get on and find out for yourself. He is the kinda of guy that doesn't say no to a simple request and does all in his power to make sure the job gets done. I would highly recommend that you give Devan Kronos the chance to be in congress so that he can show the eUSA as he has shown many of us what he can do.”
- Canni, Secretary of Intelligence, Libertarian Party

"Devan Kronos represents the dedication and responsibility that congress needs during this chaotic time. Night or day you can find him on the IRC always willing to pitch in for his country or party. The eUs always needs people of this caliber. Vote Devan Kronos on the 25th."
- Zcia, Party President, USWP

"I have had the privilege of knowing Devan for a couple of months now and he always has his finger on the pulse of events around the eRep world. He will make a great addition to Congress and I endorse him fully.”
- PigInZen, Chief of Staff, Federalist Party

“Devan is a very active person in IRC and is easy to talk too and these are 2 very important qualities in a congressman.”
- tdwester, Seven time Congressmen, USWP

“Devan Kronos is a committed American who will always work in the best interests of the American people. His enthusiasm for the game and for American victory is unparalleled. He will be an asset to the congress if elected.”
- Josh Frost, Secretary of Defense, USWP

I thank my friends for taking the time out of their schedule. It’s not easy to write things like that, but to be honest I was touched by these. So again I say thank you. I want to say a few more things before I thankfully finish this self-absorbed nonsense lol. I will vote my conscience. I will do what I believe what is good for the country as a whole. Unlike some congressmen, I am not, nor will I ever be above talking to my constituents. I will represent YOU, so if you ever have a question or a comment by all means send it, just remember I may not get back that very second, but when I get a chance I will get back to you, if my mail box hasn’t over flown, I’ll try not to let that happen 🙂. I will try to be completely transparent and post my votes on certain issues. Sometimes I may not be able, or simply have time to do so, so if you want to know how I voted on something, ask and I will answer. If you need a quick answer come on IRC chat, I’m usually there. If this is what you are looking for in a Congressman, vote for me, if not vote for someone else. I thank you for taking the time to read this Article! Read some of my past Articles for more reading. Now I leave you as I always do with some food for thought.

“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.”
-William J. Clinton

Your Friend, Devan Kronos

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Not to mention Vote on Election Day!