Eden v Cot in perspective

Day 1,841, 00:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Here we have a classic case of chosing between a rock and a hard place. Lets just clarify a few things

1. Canada and the US of A is not part of EDEN. They might be on friendly terms with them but nope their not officially part of them.


The one thing I see missing is what guarantee we have upon joining that they will support us in our wars. Lets face one massive fact eIreland is like a Jack Russell he wants to bite everyone but the big dogs whips his ass constantly. I will get back later to the support issue. I dont know whether you guys still remember the world alliance fights which alliance caused the most damage...yes siree it was the one they call the small poxy one worthless in support etc etc EDEN. So if we move sides EDEN loses +- 300 fighters but they get in return a country that can give a proper hiding to in future. But will COT support us. When an alliance have permanent members that has a say but is not necessarily affiliated to any country one usually get the situation of I CAN DECIDE WHAT SUPPORT THIS COUNTRY GET no need for a democratic vote. And secondly the pursuit of one country's AGENDA to the abandonment of others.


There is too many questions although Ethel was very high up in the organization one gets the impression that there is not an equal say for all countries and as well that how the top echelon got there is very vague. Perhaps they got voted in by MODS at a time I cannot recall any MOD ever saying they got the opportunity to vote in alliance leaders or that there was ever a change. Most likely when EDEN was formed some big players got assigned roles and here and made a IRC channel where the MODS could have a say. But face it in the biggest alliance and with no interest in IRELAND it seems a kind of top undemocratic structure is probably calling the shots and support prios. So stay in EDEN ? I cannot recall any allies in our fights with POLAND and even if there where they were of such bad quality that a guy like BHANE getting something like 200 mill in damage was like a mosquito farting against the wind.


We should form our own alliance with the following characteristics
1. Mostly english speaking countries such as ireland , canada, australia and perhaps south africa with the US being the big country if they join. In other online games I see that this is the alliances that grow the biggest and strongest. But language should not be the number 1 criteria.
2. Countries that is well versed in english uhmm probably India perhaps, croatia , brazil
3. Other friendly countries the MOFA can help us out with this
4. EDEN members and COT member countries that is not happy.
5. An objective and fair procedure to determine battle priorities, pie charts, databases I am certain one can graph attacks accross the world and spread your forces
6. An pro rata equal say for most countries that join and NO ORG specific positions. Therefore only persons with say will be say MOD or deputy MOD and positions like leader of the alliance is rotated between member countries. Councel members change after each CP elections.
7. A big enough alliance that can have a mass impact against the eRep bullies like Poland.


An alliance should be a group of countries that pursue one goal the adequate defense/attack of each country. Lets say we create an alliance and we push say psycho in as leader and he is not some kind of office bearer in eIreland you immediately create an imbalance. On the other hand there must be some relation in voting power between country size and country representation. A better representation would be past months total damage for alliance to determine each countries number of votes.

Thats my opinion and the thought process I see missing from this whole debate in other articles. I see that people that say we should form our own alliance is mostly disregarded and its not part of the vote, stay , leave , abstain is inadequate. This is an opinion piece and you might have a differing opinion.


We are on good terms with both. England is like the small fishes that feeds of whales. Their whale being Poland of course. Yet again I see no mention of england or poland as members of COT so on friendly terms but free to pursue their own agendas? With poland being the negative factor they are we could perhaps really challenge the UK in a properly organized alliance. The canada debate goes basically we will wipe them lol like the US will sit back while we wipe their friendly neighbors and of course England and Poland will help us in an alliance with whom they are just on a friendly footing with. Pick your battles it seems kinda obvious in which direction the wind is blowing.