EDEN News - First appearance

Day 967, 06:25 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by Harsova2

Hello ladies and gentleman, citizens of the New World, players of eRepublik and members of EDEN alliance.
As I've announced in my last article, EDEN News is coming soon, actually is over here, this is the first article of this project. I've decided to start this idea because a good journalist is informing people, not laughing about them or writing other articles about uninteresting things. For now I have involved in this project countries like Spain, Poland, Norway, Romania and many others, members of EDEN alliance.
Before starting with news I would like to thank all country presidents who helped me and all their MoFAs who're giving me this informations.
By strating this project I will try to weekly inform you about what is new in our little world. If you would like to know all these thing I sugest you to Subscribe now 🙂


Norway was PTOed by a russian in the CP election. They got him impeached as soon as they could.
After that, the new government has generally struggled with the bugs in the Country Administration depertment of the game
They renewed MPPs with Romania and Spain.
There are not many news so nothing special has happened in eNorway. There are generally a very quiet and inactive people.
So hopefully more will happen this coming week as the new government get properly started on their tasks
At least the battles are on the way
Thanks to Bob Turkee, our informant from Norway


The arrival of v2 (aka Rising) has brought a bit of confusion here. Bugs are the bread of every day, the one wich is causing more troubles is the one wich affect to the !! (you can´t read them).
In general, people is getting used to Rising, even if formulas are still unknown for the most, and hapiness is causing some really problems
The worsen part is for the job market. Many people have to look for jobs out of Spain, and salaries aren´t set yet (as happen everywhere), so prices of manufactured products also change frequently. There is lack of job.
Thanks to llender_113, our informant from Spain


The main news got the title "Suspension of Polish Army". It was done because admins didn't answer to polish tickets and Polish Army's Companies weren't migrated due to this accident. There are many differences beetwen beta and v2 and we need some time to adapt Polish Army to v2. Another problem was money. Now Poland should save some money for future activities.
Next information is about Ministery of Education guides.
There are some information about disabled military module and how it influence on economy.
There are one more important information about High Region's Contract between Poland and USA. When v2 was started we talked with USA. After that we negotiated decrease payment for rental from 700G per week to 425G per week. When military module starts we will renegotiate this deal. Then we will know how much money we gain from these regions.
We're looking for new ambassadors, list of free embassies is on polish erepublik forum.
President Ariakis wants to make congressional comisions. This idea is debated in congress.
There are a lot of interesting news last days
Thanks to PrismTank, our informant from Poland


As our informant said, there are not so many interesting news from this country.
People are trying to get used with the new module Rising. As you can see, in Switzerland congress members are changing the taxes for a better adaptation in V2. For now, there is just peace and quiet.
We're waiting for more next week.
Thanks to Walther Rathenau, our informant from Switzerland


Moldova is a peacefull country with EDEN aspirations, known as the little brother of Romania.
In this little country, after the president elections a congress member proposed an impeachment to the winner president – at this time a Russian from Moldova (moldovenist) leader of Independent Moldova party. After elections checking, the moldovenist lost almost 100 votes (from supporters clones) and Romanian candidate was declared winner but the impeachment was there so he was in a big danger...If he would lost the elections, the moldovenist would came to presidency. Finally the impeachment was applied to the former president even if he didn't candidate. In the last days our congress have been changes the taxes and Moldova is waiting for the “war of Podolia”.
Harsova2 – informant of Moldova


In the last days australia suffered a great PTO by Indonesia. Sandygee is the Indonesian who PTO'ed this country and now is the CP. She is not eAustralian and now Indonesia also control just over half our congress seats.
Sir_C0nstant is Australian official CP in exile at this time.
Indonesians have been creating multies as well as getting new players to start their accounts in eAustralia and have outnumbered active Aussies.
Many Australians are fleeing the country. Indo group Angeldemon are the PTOers and plan on a permanent PTO of eAustralia.
For now Australia is waiting the end of this Political Take Over
Thanks to Binda33, our informant from Australia



Greece is in the proccess to evaluate the effects of the taxes laws they enforced in the first days of V2.
There is a new line of laws waiting to be proposed, right after the evaluation. It concerns import tax lowering and VAT lowering also for almost all products exept of the iron. Greece's main concern is to give a boost to it's economy by opening their market to foreign companies.
Also there is another school of thinking, that promotes the protective umbrella of the state over the Greek companies so to minimize the flooding of the market by companies with low prices that will strangle the Greek companies.
There is also the issue of minimum wage and what is the best ratio for it. They are still in the proccess of stabilizing the market first and then re-evaluate the individual laws.
Thanks to Makedonissa, our informant from Greece.
He sai😛“The one that has done the best preparation, will have an advantage. And we feel we already have that advantage “


- President Dade Pendwyn has been reelected for a 2nd term, and while a number of our Cabinet faces are the same, several are new or have moved to new posts (Acacia Mason, who held this job last month, is now our MoFA). V2 and its fallout (especially the economic struggles we're facing) are our main concern, but our congress is also working on completely overhauling our constitution.
- Economically, Canada fares as much of the wide world does - formulas have caused a lot of chaos, but things seem to be stabilizing and the inevitable release of the war module will probably help matters.
- Socially Canada is much stabler than it was last month, and generally our internal goodwill is rising.
Thanks to Sperry, our informant from Canada

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)
Bosnians were been PTO-ed. eSerbs got president seat and almost whole congress. Their soliders doesn't work in millitary companies and BAM currency is pretty low. Bosnia have a lot of spam articles and the govourment doesn't work for anything.Tutorials about v2 didn't released and they entered in v2 uninformed .Bosnia don't have much babies and it's beginers have stop playing. Everyone is waiting for a change
Thanks to Gazija97, our informant from BiH

-after a period of bugs activity congress could finaly make some actions:
this includes buying constructions for South Dalmatia, croatian last stand,
changing tax for wepons and grain after the fall of Slavonia-cro high grain region; the other important thing to notice here is the presidental impeachment which was barely rejected...it was caused by missinformation that the president is going on a RL holiday
POLITICS: croatian politics can too often be reduced to "old HDS" member and HSP members; After 5 terms under Apachy, a youth HDS president Hunter1911 was elected, a member of HSP
-this, along with croatian geostrategical catastrophy which includes occupation of territories and losing influence in Bosnia and Austria, has tiggered the old battles which often come to the debate who is the greater traitor, thief or who is more incompetent...well...tha ts what politics is like here
gouvernment reforms are significant...with much of the industry traped in the occupied territories it was neccessary to move what was called "manufacturing industry" to South Dalmatia and abroad; one of the solutions for moving grain industry is India which offers up to 90% tax refunds
-the reforms in military caused many strugles and cahnges in the chaing of comand, MOFA was changed a few times as well while some of the old comanders refuse to leave their posts;
-all this caused MASSIVE revolt against the gouvernment and the former comanders anounced that almost all of Croatian military, except the ZDRUG, will not obey their president anymore...this crysis is yet to be resloved...
-in diplomacy there have also been many changes: some of the ambasadors have been replaced, old relations were strenghtened, while the contacts with the US are in rather crysis, considering that most of Cro population believes USA is responsible for EDENs defeat...USA understands this and has requested further talks with the news administration
Ecnomics...all important was said above but let me repeat:
fall of Slavonia-loss of HIGH GRAIN REGION, fall of NWC-loss of a good part of MANUF industry...
-suppling tickets to move the captured population/workers has only increased the bad situation pushing Croatia in financial crysis, maybe even the worst ever (remember the TO one year ago-this is considered the hardest one)
-many workers complained about the buggs and the extremly bad offers on the job market and often even the lack of offers
-croatia is experiencing a slight babyBOOM, as well
-it is considered that this new version will only make things harder to learn
as said above, military is a great crysis due to political strugles and elections cheating accusations; the revolt has hit about 80% of Croatian armed forces
-paramilita is another thing; military tacticians expect their importance will grove; some have organised the spots for the new members
-croatian army will be exchanging V2 war modul knowledge with the other EDEN countries
-newspaper published in Croatia thiese days are full of complains and political struggles; a good part in this also take serbian provocations articles
-moral is pretty bad in general and there is not much good to say...some even write ironical articles begging Phoenix to occupy Croatia, hopping it will save it from stupid and corrupt politicians
Thanks to Jelen od Potoka, our informant from Croatia

This is all for now, we hope soon will recieve news from Romania or Finland...

Note: We are looking for an informant from Sweden.

Until next informations,
Good luck in the New World