Economic Warfare and Q1 House Raffle

Day 773, 15:50 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Org" width="25px" height="24px"> Socialist Freedom News Feed - Day 773" width="25px" height="24px">
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Socialist Freedom Q1 House Raffle" width="25px" height="24px"> It's easy to enter. Just respond anywhere in a comment with the word "Voted" and your name will be included in the electronic hat when the winner is chosen via a randomizer. (And hey, do Vote for the article.. and Subscribe!)

Anyone may enter, but we're especially looking forward to being able to help out newer players or those who ain't got no home.

The winner will be announced on Sunday, January 3, 2010." width="25px" height="24px"> In yesterday's article Happy New Year and Welcome to the Revolution, announcing the commencement of The Revolution by means of developing a Super-Commune in Russia, the e-Portuguese experience with in-game socialism was mentioned briefly.

The following provides a bit more background on that experience. These notes are based primarily from information posted to the Internationale forum by comrade Julio de Matos former PP of the Portuguese Partido Revolucionário eComunista (PReC, Revolutionary e-Communist Party). The PReC currently has the second-largest bloc in the Portuguese Congress and it is the 3rd-largest party in Portugal.

Beta Communism

* When the Beta version of eRep introduced the war module (about February 2008?), e-Portugal's market went into crisis due to the carterlization of the weapons market. The center-left government at the time planned to handle this kind of problem by creating a coalition of companies that would offer a fair price and fair salary.

* This plan was called "Portugal: Super-Power". It failed when the companies in the coalition started competing amongst themselves.

* A reformulated plan called for more centralized state involvement. The CP became the CEO of a large organziation called PeNICO, Portuguese National and International Companies Organization, one of the first contracts made in eRepublik.

* The government printed money to fuel the economic machine. In Beta, there were no penalties for printing money and the companies' productivity was not limited to 20 employees. This allowed fantastic rates of production and the ability to price private companies out of business. The plan worked beautifully. Product taxes were raised to the maximum and living taxes decreased to the their minimum.

* It was a completely state-run ecnomomy and e-Portugal declared itself to be the first e-communist country. The standard of living excelled for ordinary workers; it was a golden age for the proletariat. For example, one census showed that 12 Q4 weapons were available to every citizen, who also had access to an absurd quantity of gifts.

V1 Downfall

* From this perspective, the economic model introduced in V1 was faulty because the internationalization of the market, the establishment of a worker limit, and the currency/GOLD printing exchange with its 100,000 currency limit removed all the advantages of an autonomist worker-controlled state economy under the Beta rules.

** Forcing each country to cooperate with the outside market, V1 forced each country to valorize its currency to buy raw material outside its market.

** Limiting to the number of productive workers a company can have ruled out the possibility of uniting hundreds of workers under the same organization or company. Distributing them unnecessarily across many companies companies made management much more complicated for a large collective.

** Planned currency devalorization was no longer so simple due to the internationalization of the market. Even so, by creating a print-limit and Gold/Currency exchange, creating a devalorized currency and working under state companies, ePortugal was able to maximize productivity to its full capacity and was able to deliver extremely low-priced products to the outside market and still have profit. This meant that economic war was still a real danger to any enemy 3 times Portugal's size.

* Now renamed orgPT, the Portuguese National and International Companies Organization, the state-run enterprise had lost 3 of its most valued resources: money printing, workforce consolidation and a captive market. With the new V1 rules, it had to compete like a regular organization. Its primary function nowadays is with the regulation of the Portuguese market." width="25px" height="24px"> For some background on how anarcho-communists and radical socialists believe that the Commune system can defeat capitalist economics in eRepublik, the following articles are useful for study:
* A Federation of Communes
* What Is To Be Done? (Part 3) Pure Commune-ism
* What Is To Be Done? (Part 2) The Dictatorship of the Proletariat
* What Is To Be Done? (Part 1) Primitive Commune-ism

And for an examination of capitalist exploitation in eRepublik, check out:
* Capitalist Exploitation Exposed" width="25px" height="25px">DoD orders as of 14:00, Day 772 ==> Hold Fire or Defend Central Greece.

Fight Club
by war correspondent Tommyss4l" width="25px" height="24px"> Yet another exciting day in the world at war! Spain can't hold anything, Poland kicks ass, and more resistances.

Revolutions aplenty today, with resistances starting in Ruse vs Pakistan, Upper Carniola vs Croatia, Thuringia vs Poland, and Tibet vs US. Good luck to all the revolutionaries.

A few provinces changed hands today. Aegean Islands were lost to Turkey. Crisana was lost to Hungary who has revolted again. Auvergne and Limousin were lost to Spain. Although, Piedmont was able to defeat the Spanish Inquisition, winning their independence from the soft cushion wielding mad men in red." height="100px" width="100px">Red Stars of Valor to all those who fought in Piedmont.

In the Middle East, Turkey continues its invasion of Israel, by attacking Nazareth North District.

Europe is busy as it was yesterday. The French beat the Spaniards at Burgundy, Province Alpes Azur, Lorraine, and Alsace, securing these territories, but in a crushing blow to French pride, lost Paris Isle of France. Spain has now attacked Poitou Charentes, France, and Sardinia, Italy.

Poland was beaten at Schleswig-Holstien, and Hamburg, Germany, but won in Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony, Bremen, and Thuringia. As you read, the last has a resistance war going on, still waiting for German involvement. Polish forces now advance on Hesse, and North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Any history buff will tell you that the Rhine is Germany's stronghold. If the Rhine falls, I suspect that there may not be much of a Germany left. Czech Republic has decided to take advantage of Germany's weakened state and has attacked Bavaria.

Romania is still having a rough time, defending Oltenia and Doboriga from the Bulgarian attacks in Doborgia, as well as Hungarian attacks in Transylvania.

The Greek Phalanxes were able to hold Crete, and now the Turkish forces ride into Central Greece. Greek defense has been superb over the last few weeks; let's see how it holds up now.

Croatia took Prekmurje from Slovenia, second times the charm I suppose. (RIP Slovenia) Nortdjylland was secured by Sweden vs Resistance and then conquered by the UK.

In other news, I did a bit of investigative journalism and asked head of the Joint Chiefs and Staff and EDEN Supreme Commander Gaius Julius a couple of questions:
* First, why has a hospital and a defense system been built in Karnataka? Is the US planning on staying there for an extended period, or using it as a psudo-FOB, or is it simply as a re-building, winning hearts and minds kind of thing?
* Second, if Tibet is continually resisting US control, why are we continuing to hold them? It is obvious they do not want us there, so why continue to hold it?

Currently I have no response, but I am still waiting, and will publish his response as soon as it becomes available.

* The recent fluctuations in the monetary market, which have led to a revaluation of the USD, caused some jitters amongst the American bourgeosie as well as leading regular players to have some concerns about their purchasing power. Along with somebody buying up a lot of US dollars, the acquisition of Karnataka's iron resources by the e-USA has thrown a curve ball at the markets. In an article titled Our President's War on the Economy, citizen Thomas Anselm reviews the situation and looks towards the Congressional Budget Office to help stem the inflation.

* Speaking of the money markets, US citizen Marcus Patterson published a very nice "how to" guide on using the money markets to your advantage in Monetary Market Mayhem Madness. In it, he explains the mysteries of the Double Sell, the Double Buy, and the Buy-Sell.

* And for those who need some help doing the math, a Polish citizen has provided a Monetary Market Gold Price Analyzer that can be used to find out which currencies are currently a bargain on the Gold market.

* Finally, speaking of ways to make gold without producing anything useful, filling out the surveys at the bottom of the eRep Gold Page will earn you some free cash.

* Spanish citizen Charrito announced the capture of eRepublik founder and owner Alexis Bonte during the recent Spanish seizure of the French capitol in WE GOT HIM!!!

* Oh, and...

Beware the Power of the Panda!

New RWarnet Link" width="25px" height="24px"> Members and friends of the Bear Cavalry are reminded that there is a new URL for RWarnet. (Also a defect in how it was displaying constructions and raw materials for each region has been fixed.)

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