Economic Module Under Development!

Day 1,663, 10:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
The erepublik team have leaked that the economic module is under development via the official facebook page.

I don't know if this was planned to calm the many players who have been shouting for economic changes; after changes to the military module were announced. Or, if this was a mistake and this information was accidently leaked. Here is a screenshot of the leak in responce to a player called Јовица Цветкоски:

The full conversation log can be seen here.

It may be months and months before changes are made to the game or it could be in weeks, but it appears change is in progress. I would be happy to see the admins publishing articles every now and then like they used to. Remember the eRepublik Insider? Well for those of you who don't, it was the newspaper Plato used to publish too inform the citizens of eRepublik. If you are interest you can look at it here.

Subscribe as I plan to write more on this...