eCanadian Diaspora

Day 637, 06:25 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

Well...look at us now.

We look upon - many from great distance at our castrated and limping homeland.

eCanada lay in ruins. eCanadians have dispersed world wide in large numbers.
Many have moved to the eUSA to continue the fight against PEACE there.
Some went to New Jersey - the stompin' grounds of Christopher Walken.
Others went to Florida, to become eSnowbirds.

eGreece has also been a gracious host to eCanadians, and we have returned the favour fighting with alongside those brave eGreeks for their reclamation of homeland territory from the hands of eTurkey. eGreece finds itself host to "Bruck's Canucks" - a group of eCanadians working together in a common cause.

Others still found the climate accomodating in eSpain. Banach was the first to establish an organized Resistance Operation centered in Asturius, eSpain. Asturius has fallen - and Banach has moved on again - this time to eRomania.

As for myself? I went to Madrid. "e Fight Club" bought a Grain company for cheap and I went to work.

I employ only eCanadians in [Paper Street Grain Co] that company. Soon, I hope to boast of an enviable workforce. I fight PEACE every day. Mostly with my bare fists - which are now like hardened steel.

My goal is the same as many of yours - get eCanada back.

All of it.


As Isaac Newton once said,

"If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent."

Another gem, this time from Leonardo da Vinci:

"Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. So in like manner you must grow in patience when you meet with great wrongs, and they will then be powerless to vex your mind."

And to sum it up, Sir Edmund Burke:

"Our patience will achieve more than our force."

That is what we face. So far, very few eCanadians have adopted another citizenship and left eCanada.

This is a sign - that we do NOT accept this condition.

It tells us that we have the reslove to persevere in the face of great adversity.

The enemy can waste his gold with his attempts to persuade our national allegiance all he wishes.
We will never submit - we will endure.