eBiH congress elections

Day 1,008, 02:50 Published in Romania Bosnia and Herzegovina by Ministarstvo Odbrane BiH

Dear allies,

The congress elections tomorrow are very important as all elections in eBiH in the last couple months. The PTO team has destroyed everything since they hold the power in eBiH. They ruined our economy, our alliances and sold Federation of eBiH to eBulgaria because of our high grain region.

You, as ordinary citizens can help us to reclaim power in our country. Wondering how can you help? Come to the antiTO channel on Rizon before you vote: #antiTO. The direct link to the channel is here. Any citizen who is willing to help will get a ticket, citizenship, and we will help him to recover his wellness.

Still, if you can't come to chat, the official candidates of proBiH parties you can see below:
West Srpska Republik
Liberalna stranka eBiH

* baxul
* Mitar sa Drine
* Dark Wolf of Balkan
* Hamo Pipa

East Srpska Republik
Liberalna stranka eBiH

* hruschov
* misteriosa
* A-De-Miir
* bigSkenda

Brčko Distrikt
Liberalna stranka eBiH

* pasha_the_one
* Enida
* Klynn
* Crnilabud
* muha_collins

Please if you have any questions contact me personally through our MoD org. or through my private account.

Ministar Odbrane eBiH