eBelgian Petition of Neutrality

Day 830, 11:25 Published in Belgium Belgium by Gibberish45
We, the citizens of eBelgium, do here declare our unyielding commitment to a free and neutral eBelgium. We assert our sovereign right to rule our country in the interests of our citizens, without the direction of foreign nations. We have no desire to join with any global or regional alliance that advocate and adhere to belligerent policies here in the New World.
We choose neutrality on principle and practicality. eBelgium wishes only to grow as a nation in peace, but the current balance of power between two global alliances leaves small nations such as ourselves vulnerable and the subject of their whims. Our specific geographic location is directly between the opposing alliances, so if we were to choose sides, the enemy would surely invade and occupy our territories. We defy those who believe neutrality is impossible in the New World, because we believe it is the only option for us.
We will carry out our national mission by adhering to or striving to follow these principles:
I. We will strive to elect leaders who are committed to neutrality, free trade, and open and honest communications with both alliances while supporting neither!

II. We will not participate in any significant battles involving either alliance or sign MPPs with them for belligerent purposes!
By doing these things, we will prove that a nation can remain neutral in a polarized world. We will remain respectful and friendly to all, hostile only to those who show hostility to us, to the benefit of eBelgium. Our concern is the prosperity of our nation, and our desire is to be left to our own devices as to how to achieve that prosperity. We welcome like-minded individuals who share the same dream and unyielding determination to join us in this campaign of strengthening our stance on neutrality.
Together with us, we invite any individual of any nationality who support or simply respect our neutrality to sign this petition.

Petition written by Gibberish 45, co-Director of the Committee of Neutrality, with the help of
Manong Rizal, co-Director of the CoN and Congress Member of eBelgium, as well as
Kiryu, Congress Member of eBelgium

Supported by the prime minister and the eBeligian government

Committee of Neutrality Website
Neutrality Network
eBelgian National Forum

Au nom de la eBelgique, merci beaucoup!