eBE, an Leftist Welfare State

Day 1,764, 09:49 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

An Oasis in the Desert

eBE is a left-leaning welfare state. All citizens are entitled to a lot of social benefits that are totally unheard of in other countries. For can you name a few countries that offers citizen packs for all citizens regardless of the MU's they are in or what level and wealth they have? In most other countries, aid is need base and is not an entitlement. If you need food and weapons, you join a commune for get a job and you buy your own. Few if any countries try and attempt to do this. eNL tried something like this but in the end, such program lasted a few weeks due to budget issues. Also in the eNL system now, only people who works in the state MU's will get social benefits making it nothing more than a state commune and not really welfare.

There are also an issue of loans. All citizens regardless of their ranking can ask for a government loan. While there was a more focus land grant scheme which is recently put on hold due to budget issues, the focus and intentions of the eBE state is egalitarian in notion. The purpose of these programs are not only growth promotion for eBE government and mentality overall understands that eBE will not be a strong country. The purpose of these social benefits are purely for the benefit of the citizens and community. Whereas other states are offering some aid for strength and power promotion, eBE is doing it purely on community promotion and building.

While countries like eNL and eGermany do have some social welfare, it is only for the newbie players. Germany's Erste Hilfe do give newbie supplies. eNL also have a different kind of social service in a form of mentorship which while it is not supply base, it is community base. While eBE do have something like this, the eNL have a more comprehensive mentorship with a lot more advertising and awareness of it. The Dutch model design special programs just for newbies like raffles and a special mentor/ coaching IRC channel which are highly publicized and supported but the Dutch community. Most of the funding of newbie programs are from private donations of the established members of the community.

Apples and Oranges

eBE is indeed something unique for their welfare system gives all citizens equal access. It is hard to image in a different country, well established citizens like NLSP, Pieter, Critically, myself, etc can have access to free food and weapons for just being a citizen. This applies to the radical LCCers as well for people like Wim, Lin0 and A Vegans are in levels of high 20's and 30's. In many ways, eBE is really socialist in nature. The rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak gets the same amounts in terms of entitlement. Inevitability, you have radical elements like the LCC who are complaining about inequality pointing their fingers at the eBE military like that of the BNA but more specifically, the now defunct Para's. What they fail to understand is that defense spending is not welfare or an entitlement expenditure. While the Para's did benefit greatly, many like MaryamQ and others have to spend a lot of their own resources to find the Para's as well as the BNA and other social and defense related programs.

Like Bamboo

eBE while far from perfect, is for the most part is pretty equal. Equality is high compared to other countries for all have the same entitlements and while there is an elite in eBE, the political system is a lot more flexible. Being a CP might be difficult but overall congress is not unobtainable. The eBE congress is really open for all can debate in the congressional section. All citizens can start a topic as well as start a legislation which is not possible in most other countries.

Because every proletariat drives a ZIL 115 Limo...

eBE is one of the most transparent and open society in the eWorld in my opinion. But there are some radical few who thinks this is not enough. They have a crude understanding of Marxist doctrine and pushed for total equality and "mob rule." For total equality and mob rule referendums are total nonsense and harmful. For it is something that is unobtainable. Even with Marxist doctrine, all are not equal or totally classless. For there is a class of leaders and elites called the "Professional Revolutionaries" who are the government. Do you think these "Professional Revolutionaries" will work in the coal mines? Do you think these "Professional Revolutionaries" will drive their Trabant to work or be chauffeured in a luxury ZIL 115 limousine? Base on their history with their party politics, the LCC has an vision of party first and country second. They demand equality for the country while the party is closed to the public, ruled by a few elites. Their Operation Rotation does not allow democracy. Instead, it is a backroom deal. The eBE does not need their version of the left.

Last Stop, Stazione Termini

eBE is already a left-leaning paradise. It offers a lot of social benefits and welfare that is unheard of in other countries. It is focused on egalitarian and transparency. A Vegan, one of the radical LCC members in the past wrote a rather crude and short article "Why I Am An eCommunist" where he wrote the following.

"It seems most eRepublik politicians only have interested in making profit rates for companies higher.
The eCommunist politicians first think about the wellness of its citizens. It's the workers who make a country not the managers."

Well, if we look at eBelgium today, isn't the state putting our citizens as their main priority? The workers can choose a commune or a wage base job but have access to an very generous citizen package which allows them to grow. The community and government as a whole are citizen (or as he puts it, worker} base. Managers or as I put it, heroes, like MaryamQ, Tecuvo, Olv, and others who are SO's who work hard to help fund and run this welfare states are not heartless and greedy. It is these heroes that allow the leftist welfare paradise which we live in to exist. It is evident now that the LCC and their members are having a crisis. The revolution is turning at itself. They should of realized that they have won. eBE achieved their vision of an leftist welfare state with transparency and equal and fair opportunity. Instead, they work hard to destroy their original dream.