eAustralia, RISE!

Day 2,702, 10:38 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

The revolution is on, against the dictator XenthuS. Because we cannot stand by and watch eAustralia die.

I cannot stand by... I also cannot explain how difficult this decision has been, or how much I fear punitive measures upon my compatriots. So I can only present the situation as it exists.

Yes, at first, our elected Congress voted to negotiate with the dictator rather than revolt. And we tried. We tried hard. At first, it seemed that it might work.

Our taxes did not go up. The dictator used some of our stolen money for MPP’s with countries we wanted them with. Congress was allowed at least a theoretical vote and input into the decision making process.

Gradually, that has changed. Our taxes were raised. Congress was not consulted about our latest MPP with eSerbia. Requests for a more democratic voting process have been ignored. And the eAustralian government, with a few notable exceptions, has no idea what the dictator’s real plans are or who of our friends may be endangered by those plans.

We have lost many eAustralian citizens—some have moved to other countries, and some have quit the game. Aside from new players and a token 3 or 4 CS passes, citizenship has largely been granted to the dictator’s mob, who increase our population daily but whose only function appears to be military strength—and we have no idea how that strength is intended to be used.

This cannot continue. We need our country back. Rise, eAustralia, and fight with me against the dictatorship to regain what is rightfully yours.

Rise, eworld, and help us, please, to regain democracy.

Black Spectrans, if you truly want to stay, if you truly want to integrate, if you truly want to help us, then fight with us and prove it. Stand up for democracy, and be welcomed.

eAustralia, RISE!


MU for eAustralian freedom: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/4843?page=1

And a proper (though old) theme song: https://vimeo.com/48699174

Ever a patriot of eAustralia,
