East of England Councillor Reports - #9

Day 810, 11:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by East Of England Council

Welcome to the 9th Councillor Report article. Last week Andy Millward took over from Daniel Thorrold as Chairman of the Council and we're confident he will do a great job.

Chairman Report

Hi there. I'd like to formally introduce myself. I'm Andy Millward, and I am the new East of England Council Chairman for this month. I've taken over from the incredibly experienced Daniel Thorrold, so I have big boots to fill. However, I am confident I can.
I'd like to announce the new councilors for this month. First off, Daniel Thorrold is this month's Vice-Chairman, as well as continuing his excellent work as director of the EoE newspaper.
Lord Wiess is the new Councilor of Health, taking over from myself. However, I have plans to reform the council positions and his is likely to change. So watch this space!
And of course Sgt Detritius will be continuing his fantastic work as the Councillor of Entertainment.
As always - Move to London! We're under full attack now so we need to build up our fortress region. And if you haven't already, sign up to the eUK forums.

Andy Millward

Vice-Chairman Report

Andy Millward has become the new Chairman of the Council, and I'm sure he will do a great job. However, as Andy pointed out we're now under heavy attack and have already lost several regions. So to protect the country, we urge all residents of the East of England and other regions to move to London as soon as possible.

Daniel Thorrold

Councillor of Heath Report

hi there

so i wasnt sure what was needed for the report, but i thought i would knock up a few health related articles, PM some new people with tips, all while pointing them in the direction of london

anything else, just give me a shout

Lord Weiis

Councillor of Entertainment Report

I have posted part 3 of the Trivia Quiz and will begin work on the 4th part very soon.

Sgt Detritus

East Anglia News

~ Andy Millward is the new Chairman of the East of England Council with the following Councillors - Daniel Thorrold (Vice-Chairman), Lord Weiis (Councillor of Health), Sgt Detritus (Councillor of Entertainment)

~ The Council would like to remind all residents to move to London as soon as possible.

Thank you,
East of England Council