East Midlands Council News

Day 1,012, 04:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by East Midlands Council
East Midland Council News

Top Council News

Another day under French rule, all I can hope for is that the plan works out and we expel Canada from our lands. I have had to hire a French worker because more of my workers have left the game. All of them that have left are under level 10, I guess a higher wage can’t always help keep people stay. But the good news is, 3 have stayed active.

We as a council now have 10.99 gold, 105.01FRF and 105 GBP in funds, with an extra 160 GBP in the food company. We got another lovely 3 gold donation from Lord Matthew Russell putting his overall donations to the Council at 6 gold and overall donations to 56 gold.

Council Jobs

We need to have council members for our region and we need volunteers. If you want to help the East Midlands please Mail Me. We need help with fund raising, advertising and planning. So please help. When the Council has more profitable investments on we will be able to help more people and regions.

We need 4 Board Members
We need 2 Advertising agents
We need 2 Fund raising planners
And we need the whole of the East Midlands to help us.

So please do.

Again, the Sponsor page is down till we are out of French control.