eArgentina, please take your side carefully

Day 905, 10:19 Published in Argentina China by Xenon Ng

[To all subscribers: This article is published in eArgentina.]

Hi all citizens.in eArgentina,

As you know, the spot light of eWorld shines on the great battles happened in 2 high resources regions, Limpopo and Liaoning, in last few days but their results are different. Why did this happen?

It’s time for you to think deeply.

Phoenix used their full ability to defend Liaoning but just ignored Limpopo.

Phoenix asks people to move to Liaoning to increase the defense point of wall but not Limpopo.

It seems that Phoenix only helps their strong member but ignore the small members.

It’s unfair to you, eArgentina!

Data tells the truth -> Article

Please think more carefully and choose your allies wisely.

Thanks for reading. 😃