eAnalytics: Election monitoring

Day 735, 12:23 Published in Hungary Serbia by Liberwing

For several months we have been collecting statistics and analytics for eRepublik players. Unfortunately most of our services are for army and are under wraps, but we are happy to share one of them with you.

Since the politics is one of the main components of this game, we could not forget about elections.

The only interesting moment is presidents' election - charts with the number of votes during the Election Day. With congressional elections everything is more difficult. Each month top5 parties in each country takes part in a real war for the right to govern the country and if you want to assess the full extent you need a complete picture of what is happening.

We hope that our small tool will help party leaders to determine the with the strategy, and voters tomorrow will know where their party needs help.

We want to present you election monitoring. Before election begins there is information about proposed candidates.

During the election day current situation in selected county will be shown. It will be updated every 15 minutes or something like that. In the last hour of the election - every 5 minutes.

Have a nice day. You can send your "thank you" here

Hope you enjoy,
Liberwing Labs
