Eamon_de Valera-IUP-Northwest

Day 519, 17:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by Eamon_de Valera

It is that time again, the time when the people of eIreland go to the polls and decide who will lead their Dail. It is a beautiful time in the eyes of this eIrishman because it truly shows the power of choice and democracy. It has been a busy few weeks for me, what with being partnered with Igor in his quest for the position of Taoiseach. A lot was said about perhaps Igor and myself were directing the IUP in a right-leaning manner. At this time, the time in which I put my hat in the ring for TD of the Northwest, I would like to dispel a few things.

-Yes I am a right leaning person politically and economically. That has never been a question I'm sure.
-However, if people would like to look at what I said during the debate, I feel that I have a few rather centrist points.
-I am rather tired of the vilifying of "the right" by a large amount of people in this country. Statements such as, "we have been led by the right in a left leaning nation," are just flat wrong. Running for a position does not make one the leader of anything.
-I would also like to point out to my fellow IUP members that supposedly had a problem with Igor. You voted for him, and if you didn't...well you didn't step up and give your own reasons as to which direction our party should go. The IUP has been a band of loosely tied politicians for some time now, this goes two ways. It makes the statement that the party is heading in any one direction completely false and it makes us rather unorganized. However, I fully support severin in what he is doing with the IUP.

As TD, I want to continue pressing the admin about our Constitution. I fully believe that a nation with a concrete Constitution is one with an idea in mind and a path in place. If we have a structure of laws then we are better for it.

I want to make sure that the state-owned companies are controlled in a manner in which they don't overstep the reasons they were created. We must ensure that new citizens have a place to work and hone their labour skills but we must also make sure that the private sector is as strong as ever. We must have a place for those skilled labourers to work after they have completed their initial training.

I fully support the war games and believe these will bring about much needed military experience for all. I also want to see a viewable budget from our government, I feel this is very important in keeping with my personal belief in government accountability.

I know many will believe me to be a member of the "hated right" but I would like to point out that above all else, I have always been a loyal citizen of this country, and kept the people of the Northwest in my mind at all times while conducting myself in the Dail. Thank you and God Bless eIreland.