Eadie for Congress in Wales

Day 461, 09:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Eadie

Good day to all you Welsh citizens!!

First I want to kick off on the negatives, regardless of who you vote for congress you will not get a Defense System or a Hospital of high quality. That is NOT for congress to decide!!! That is up to the War Council, who congress have no influence upon!!

Right now that has been said, lets get down to business, I intend to keep this short and sweet so:

Firstly, I am active on the forums (http://forums.erepublik.co.uk) and have been for the best part of year. I have been elected into congress twice in V1 and twice during the beta. I understand what can and can not be done in congress.

Secondly, activity levels on the Wales regional board has increased in the past month, so it is probably time to look into a Welsh Council. This was suggested by a former congressman last month but it was deemed unworkable at the time due to lack of activity. This idea has been brought up again by others who are running for Congress in Wales and I see it as a good way to keep growing the region.

Finally I would like to address the PCP voters, last month you again voted Lord Kinnersley into Congress, can I ask why? He has not a single post on the forums, therefore he was not contributed to the decision making of any laws and policies of eUK and has not attempted to improve your lives in eWales. Please think about this when you place your vote, there are number of solid candidates that are keen to work hard for Wales, vote for one of those!

Thank you for reading.

Eadie, current congressman, representing Wales.